Anxious about my 1st day 'playing with the big kids' (regular WOD Crossfit members), I walked into the Gym and was greeted by friendly faces. We warmed up, split into teams of 3 and were given our 1st workout:
Workout #1
50 pullups
100 air squats
50 PULLUPS - I thought. The most I've ever done is 5!
As I started the workout with my team (regular members) - I got through 6 without a problem. As I got to the 7-10, I knew this was going to be a challenging workout day for me. Minutes later (felt like hours) I finished 48 pull ups. I had to do 3-4, rest, 3-4 more, rest....and so on.
I started my air squats with my arms shaking uncontrollably. I got through my first 50 squats and realized my team mates were done of both their sets. I then proceeded to do my second 50 without resting as I didn't want to let my team down.
TIME! I called out - and then rested for approx 3mins.
At this point, my arms still shaking, legs jello - I was feeling unsure whether I'd get through the next workout.
Workout #2
Move 2500 pounds - could break it up however you wanted ie. I had 55lbs to lift so I had to lift this 45x......
As I was doing a lighter weight than my teammates, I had to start 1st. My 1st 10 reps went well - during my break time, I knew this was going to be TOUGH. As I set out for my second set of 10 - the nausea, weakness and overall body fatigue kicked in. I got through it. On my 3rd set of 10, I got through 4 reps and at this point - couldn't feel my body, I was weak all over and shaking uncontrollably. It was then that I broke into tears on my knees and knew I could not finish...
Why the tears?
- I was completely fatigued and could not control my emotions
- I was upset as I thought I was letting my team down
- I was overwhelmed with the intensity
The instructor, at this point, said - "Ok Stephanie, you're done". I got myself over to the wall, with my tail between my legs knowing that on Monday, December 27th - the team workout Kicked my Ass! Mike came over to offer his condolences and I sat embarassed about my earned title of "The Girl who Cried at Crossfit" (self labeled).
At the end of the workout the "Cash Out" was 40 Handstand PushUps. I did not attempt this as I could not feel my arms.
The Moral of this Story - I gave the workout everything I had. I can walk away with my head held high knowing that I tried my best. If I never tried this workout because of fear, I would never know what my body is capable of. Really, I think I did pretty darn good considering that I'm in my 1st month of basics. I am not the fittest in the group but I am trying.
Shout out to Alyson and Mike who are machines! What an awesome day for them. They powered through the workouts and had some left to give at the end. I am proud to call them my friends and support system!
PS - I came back to Crossfit class this morning and did another challenging workout. Sore, fatigued and still humbled - I again did my best....
Warning: This blog may talk about fitness, health and well-being. Readers discretion is advised.
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Week 3, Woe Is Me...
Monday morning, after a quiet, restful weekend (in bed early at 9pm Saturday & Sunday nights) - I wake up at 5:50am to start week 3 at CrossFit. Anxious to get back at 'er, I gear up, text Alyson with my morning "Wakey, Wakey! See you soon!" message, grab a bite and off I go.
I walk into the gym, take off my coat and hear Smash then immediately after "Everyone 20 Burpees". I continue to put on my sneakers thinking Glad I just got here and then hear "Stephanie, you too!"
Stephanie, Welcome to Week 3
The theme of this week so far is an overwhelming mental challenge. As we are learning a great deal of skills and techniques in a short period of time - the push press, shoulder press, front squats, air squats, walking lunge, kettlebell swings are all starting to run together. As are also learning cleans, jerks (Hey, who you calling a jerk...., I usually think to myself..haha), snatches, snitches, critches (oh no, that's just my back)leans....AHHH....I am filled to the brim.
Yesterday, as we are starting our workout readying ourselves in the walking lunge line, myself and a group of 4 others were still trying to process the workout instructions:
"Ok, so it's 10 front squats, 8 ring dips, 10 walking lunges"...As others are debating "No, it's 10 front squats, 6 ring dips and 10 walking lunges..." Then the instructor yells "GO" I start realizing, I may not be alone in my state of confusion.
I can see some progress in my technique in some areas and am frustrated with others. I am now able to hang from the bar for more than 5 secs, I can almost get my toes to the bar while hanging (shout out to Alyson who is a machine at toes to bar!!!), I am able to squat and not die after a couple BUT I still have a looooonnnngggg way to go.
As I texted Al this morning: "Great job, your patience and persistence will pay off"....Maybe I should take my own advice:)
I walk into the gym, take off my coat and hear Smash then immediately after "Everyone 20 Burpees". I continue to put on my sneakers thinking Glad I just got here and then hear "Stephanie, you too!"
Stephanie, Welcome to Week 3
The theme of this week so far is an overwhelming mental challenge. As we are learning a great deal of skills and techniques in a short period of time - the push press, shoulder press, front squats, air squats, walking lunge, kettlebell swings are all starting to run together. As are also learning cleans, jerks (Hey, who you calling a jerk...., I usually think to myself..haha), snatches, snitches, critches (oh no, that's just my back)leans....AHHH....I am filled to the brim.
Yesterday, as we are starting our workout readying ourselves in the walking lunge line, myself and a group of 4 others were still trying to process the workout instructions:
"Ok, so it's 10 front squats, 8 ring dips, 10 walking lunges"...As others are debating "No, it's 10 front squats, 6 ring dips and 10 walking lunges..." Then the instructor yells "GO" I start realizing, I may not be alone in my state of confusion.
I can see some progress in my technique in some areas and am frustrated with others. I am now able to hang from the bar for more than 5 secs, I can almost get my toes to the bar while hanging (shout out to Alyson who is a machine at toes to bar!!!), I am able to squat and not die after a couple BUT I still have a looooonnnngggg way to go.
As I texted Al this morning: "Great job, your patience and persistence will pay off"....Maybe I should take my own advice:)
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
A Bengay Kind of Day
6:00am this morning my alarm clock rings... I roll over, put my feet on the floor and attempt to stand up and it hits - 8 hours of nonmovement = seized muscles and critched back. I stand at a 45degree angle and hope that I will be able to loosen up and make it to class without completely embarassing myself.
As I walk in the gym I am greeted by fellow intro CrossFitters. Each one with a slight smile on their face, in the upright position and looking spry. Isn't anyone feeling like me? I thought. One crossfitter says "Sore, Stephanie?" Is it THAT obvious? "Yes" I reply thinking "Aren't you....?"
We begin class reviewing the air squat. It was then when everyone in the class started grimicing as they start. The ooohhhs and aaaaahhhhs sound and I then know - I'm not the only sore one...Thank God!
Our Workout for today was:
5 Burpees
10 Walking Lunges
5 Pull Ups (could do with band assist)
As we had a large group we split the class into 2 groups. As I watched Group 1, which included Alyson, I felt their pain. As the CrossFitters got to Round 3 - the breathing got heavier and heavier.
It was then my turn.
I started out with a bang - trying to 'pace' myself, the first set came quite easily. I felt great. As I hit round 2 I realized - I have 3 more rounds to do. The feeling of burning lungs came back - Instructor yelling - "Hands off knees" (in walking lunges - OOPS!) and a wave of nausea comes over me. At the 5min mark, I was barely lifting myself up in the pull ups, and by 6mins people were packing up and heading out. As Mike was in my group (did the workout in 3:04), he was there with a couple of friends cheering me on.
I get to the last 2 pull ups and really thought - I am not getting through this. I was getting distracted by the 2 lead sticks (otherwise known as arms) that I was trying to lift myself up with. In the last 10secs I got a slight burst - well maybe just a bur.. - of energy and finished the last 2. 6:48 and I was done.
The rest of the day went well. In the seated position I was pain-free and energetic. Standing, squatting, walking, stairs, lifting arms - are all a challenge. It was definitely a Bengay Kind of Day.
Our Workout for today was:
5 Burpees
10 Walking Lunges
5 Pull Ups (could do with band assist)
As we had a large group we split the class into 2 groups. As I watched Group 1, which included Alyson, I felt their pain. As the CrossFitters got to Round 3 - the breathing got heavier and heavier.
It was then my turn.
I started out with a bang - trying to 'pace' myself, the first set came quite easily. I felt great. As I hit round 2 I realized - I have 3 more rounds to do. The feeling of burning lungs came back - Instructor yelling - "Hands off knees" (in walking lunges - OOPS!) and a wave of nausea comes over me. At the 5min mark, I was barely lifting myself up in the pull ups, and by 6mins people were packing up and heading out. As Mike was in my group (did the workout in 3:04), he was there with a couple of friends cheering me on.
I get to the last 2 pull ups and really thought - I am not getting through this. I was getting distracted by the 2 lead sticks (otherwise known as arms) that I was trying to lift myself up with. In the last 10secs I got a slight burst - well maybe just a bur.. - of energy and finished the last 2. 6:48 and I was done.
The rest of the day went well. In the seated position I was pain-free and energetic. Standing, squatting, walking, stairs, lifting arms - are all a challenge. It was definitely a Bengay Kind of Day.
Monday, December 6, 2010
Taking a Turn...
Stephanie Meet Pukey - the Crossfit Mascot....
This morning's workout was like nothing I've EVER felt before. The feeling of digging deep and pushing myself to a limit that I didn't know existed was satisfying yet humbling.
I guess when I usually workout I stop before I get TOO tired or challenged. Maybe this is why I like working out so much....? Possibly..
This morning we started with Round 1 - Tabata Squats - 20secs work, 10secs rest 6x (usually do 8 rounds but I guess the instructor was going 'easy' on us). Note: By the end of this my legs were jello. Next, Round 2- we went into learning the basics of the Sumo deadlift high pull (pictured above) with a 25 pound bar. As we were about to start the workout, the instructor says "if you would like 10 pound weights to add grab them over here". Alyson and I look at eachother, the rest of the room getting the 10pound weights and decided - What the hey....
As the workout started, a feeling of burning (lungs), muscle weakness (legs, arms), nausea (stomach), blurred vision (eyes) came upon me like never before. We alternated between pushups and Sumo DHP 4 sets of 7 each and then had a 90 sec rest. Throughout my 90secs rest - I was bent over, gasping for air and trying not to 'meet the mascot' over the floor. And then it was Round 3...
By this time I knew I was taking a turn to uncertain street....Uncertain if I could finish this workout without vomiting, uncertain if I could hold up my end of the weight as I was partnered with Alyson. And then the instructor said "GO". With no choice I did it.
At the end of class I was having an outer body experience. Trembling from head to toe I left thinking "Good Morning Monday, this is going to be a great week!"
This morning's workout was like nothing I've EVER felt before. The feeling of digging deep and pushing myself to a limit that I didn't know existed was satisfying yet humbling.
I guess when I usually workout I stop before I get TOO tired or challenged. Maybe this is why I like working out so much....? Possibly..
This morning we started with Round 1 - Tabata Squats - 20secs work, 10secs rest 6x (usually do 8 rounds but I guess the instructor was going 'easy' on us). Note: By the end of this my legs were jello. Next, Round 2- we went into learning the basics of the Sumo deadlift high pull (pictured above) with a 25 pound bar. As we were about to start the workout, the instructor says "if you would like 10 pound weights to add grab them over here". Alyson and I look at eachother, the rest of the room getting the 10pound weights and decided - What the hey....
As the workout started, a feeling of burning (lungs), muscle weakness (legs, arms), nausea (stomach), blurred vision (eyes) came upon me like never before. We alternated between pushups and Sumo DHP 4 sets of 7 each and then had a 90 sec rest. Throughout my 90secs rest - I was bent over, gasping for air and trying not to 'meet the mascot' over the floor. And then it was Round 3...
By this time I knew I was taking a turn to uncertain street....Uncertain if I could finish this workout without vomiting, uncertain if I could hold up my end of the weight as I was partnered with Alyson. And then the instructor said "GO". With no choice I did it.
At the end of class I was having an outer body experience. Trembling from head to toe I left thinking "Good Morning Monday, this is going to be a great week!"
Thursday, December 2, 2010
WOW! What a busy month! It was such a nice surprise to have a 'reminder' message from my best friend asking - "Where are the blogs?" AND mentioning "You're on the decline...."
This is why.
November started off with my Bawston Getaway, from there life took hold with synchro/work/pole dancing/yoga into a quick trip to Ottawa for a High Performance Summit then a weekend coaches conference and now staff party preparations....Whew.....
This past Monday Mike, Alyson and myself started the Basics Group at CrossFit PEI. We are doing 3 mornings a week trying to grasp the concepts of Squats, Dead Lifts, Shoulder Press, Pull Ups, Box Jumps and the list goes on.
The first class the instructor (after our workout) started teaching us how to do a kipping motion (hanging from bar, swinging) to gain momentum to do a pull up. He told us to do 3 swings and then attempt to pull ourselves up using our momentum.
So here's how it went for me.
1, 2, 3 and pull... and Nothing. Nope. Notta. Zilch - didn't budge BUT did get a laugh (from myself).
During my second class the instructor asked us to work on our "Goats". Alyson and I looked at each other, then around the room wondering "What is the Goat exercise?". We noticed some guys doing hand stand push ups, 1 guy working on his pull ups, Mike getting dead lift instruction and so we then decided to work on our pull ups again - but this time with a band to assist us. Glad I didn't ask what the "Goat" exercise was as Mike informed me after class that it means 'weakness'..... Oh dear......
I'm super excited for the next fitness chapter and to slowly watch myself become more and more fit. I'm also still doing my pole dancing and starting a routine next week. Good Times!
This is why.
November started off with my Bawston Getaway, from there life took hold with synchro/work/pole dancing/yoga into a quick trip to Ottawa for a High Performance Summit then a weekend coaches conference and now staff party preparations....Whew.....
This past Monday Mike, Alyson and myself started the Basics Group at CrossFit PEI. We are doing 3 mornings a week trying to grasp the concepts of Squats, Dead Lifts, Shoulder Press, Pull Ups, Box Jumps and the list goes on.
The first class the instructor (after our workout) started teaching us how to do a kipping motion (hanging from bar, swinging) to gain momentum to do a pull up. He told us to do 3 swings and then attempt to pull ourselves up using our momentum.
So here's how it went for me.
1, 2, 3 and pull... and Nothing. Nope. Notta. Zilch - didn't budge BUT did get a laugh (from myself).
During my second class the instructor asked us to work on our "Goats". Alyson and I looked at each other, then around the room wondering "What is the Goat exercise?". We noticed some guys doing hand stand push ups, 1 guy working on his pull ups, Mike getting dead lift instruction and so we then decided to work on our pull ups again - but this time with a band to assist us. Glad I didn't ask what the "Goat" exercise was as Mike informed me after class that it means 'weakness'..... Oh dear......
I'm super excited for the next fitness chapter and to slowly watch myself become more and more fit. I'm also still doing my pole dancing and starting a routine next week. Good Times!
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
I got my preview pictures back from my photo shoot and the verdict is........
I knew I would love them before I got them back because of that good 'ol feeling I had when I was getting ready. You know, the 'I am beautiful' mantra I was experiencing. So during my lunch break on Monday, I picked them up at the Pilates Centre, drove home - by this time I had burned away 1/2 hour of my hour lunch - opened my laptop, inserted the disk and reviewed the pics by slideshow on repeat for 10mins. One of the reasons I did this is because I thought that I had less clothes on than I actually did. I was fully clothed and the sexyiness came from the fact that you could see the lacy top of the stay ups in the pics. That's it.
I couldn't be happier that I did this. What a special and positive experience. I have to give a 'shout out' to Rachel Peters for being such an amazing artist. WOW!
I knew I would love them before I got them back because of that good 'ol feeling I had when I was getting ready. You know, the 'I am beautiful' mantra I was experiencing. So during my lunch break on Monday, I picked them up at the Pilates Centre, drove home - by this time I had burned away 1/2 hour of my hour lunch - opened my laptop, inserted the disk and reviewed the pics by slideshow on repeat for 10mins. One of the reasons I did this is because I thought that I had less clothes on than I actually did. I was fully clothed and the sexyiness came from the fact that you could see the lacy top of the stay ups in the pics. That's it.
I couldn't be happier that I did this. What a special and positive experience. I have to give a 'shout out' to Rachel Peters for being such an amazing artist. WOW!
Sunday, November 7, 2010
The Photo Shoot
On Friday, after my awesome getaway to Bawston - I had my first 'photo shoot'. This was organized by my pole dancing instructor in hopes that women at the studio would seize the opportunity and celebrate thier beauty, class and well.....sexyiness ;)
I had booked my photo shoot time 2 weeks in advance and from then until the moment the first picture snapped, I was super stressed as to what would I wear. What's sexy? How far could I uncomfortably push the envelope? I wasn't feeling the exposed mid drift idea so what to wear...... I had decided that in Boston, I would find an outfit and at the time this settled my anxiety.
While in Boston, Mike and I shopped and shopped. I perused the stores looking for the 'perfect outfit'. It didn't come, so I left with no sexy outfit. Boooo!
We returned home the night before the big day and I was now in panic mode. I looked through my closet and nothing jumped out at me. I had been given a 'blingy' bra from my Synchro coaches/girls and considered this but needed something to cover up with. Didn't find the 'something'. The day of the shoot I headed to the Mall with no idea in mind and knots in my stomach. Why am I doing this? I thought. Like really, why?
I finally found some random items that I would put together - purple men's dress shirt, blingy necklace, belt, lace tiered skirt, pink tank, wickedly high high heeled shoes (2 outfits for 1 costume change). I headed home proud of my purchases but still wondering how I would pull the 'look' together....
As the final hour hit - it was go time. I had to do my hair, makeup and put all my practiced, researched beauty techniques to the test. (Ok, well maybe just the 2 makeup application classes I have attended in the past). With the last comb of my hair - I felt a feeling that I've NEVER felt before. I looked in the mirror and thought "I look sexy.." and furthermore "I feel beautiful!". This is what THAT feeling is. How special.
I arrived at my 'shoot' 15 minutes early (sweating perfusely, hoping that it wasn't showing through my dress shirt), received some last minute fashion advise from my instructor and it was the time. As I talked to the photographer, I was feeling more and more at ease with everything. It was a great 25 minutes for me. I loosened up and tried out some 'model' poses that I would never do in everyday life. (Obviously)
In the end, I did this for myself. I want to look back at myself in 50 years and think "What a great time in my life". No matter how the pictures turn out, I am confident that I will like them because of how I felt for the 5 minutes in the mirror. In the spirit of seeittryit. I did it and it felt good!
I had booked my photo shoot time 2 weeks in advance and from then until the moment the first picture snapped, I was super stressed as to what would I wear. What's sexy? How far could I uncomfortably push the envelope? I wasn't feeling the exposed mid drift idea so what to wear...... I had decided that in Boston, I would find an outfit and at the time this settled my anxiety.
While in Boston, Mike and I shopped and shopped. I perused the stores looking for the 'perfect outfit'. It didn't come, so I left with no sexy outfit. Boooo!
We returned home the night before the big day and I was now in panic mode. I looked through my closet and nothing jumped out at me. I had been given a 'blingy' bra from my Synchro coaches/girls and considered this but needed something to cover up with. Didn't find the 'something'. The day of the shoot I headed to the Mall with no idea in mind and knots in my stomach. Why am I doing this? I thought. Like really, why?
I finally found some random items that I would put together - purple men's dress shirt, blingy necklace, belt, lace tiered skirt, pink tank, wickedly high high heeled shoes (2 outfits for 1 costume change). I headed home proud of my purchases but still wondering how I would pull the 'look' together....
As the final hour hit - it was go time. I had to do my hair, makeup and put all my practiced, researched beauty techniques to the test. (Ok, well maybe just the 2 makeup application classes I have attended in the past). With the last comb of my hair - I felt a feeling that I've NEVER felt before. I looked in the mirror and thought "I look sexy.." and furthermore "I feel beautiful!". This is what THAT feeling is. How special.
I arrived at my 'shoot' 15 minutes early (sweating perfusely, hoping that it wasn't showing through my dress shirt), received some last minute fashion advise from my instructor and it was the time. As I talked to the photographer, I was feeling more and more at ease with everything. It was a great 25 minutes for me. I loosened up and tried out some 'model' poses that I would never do in everyday life. (Obviously)
In the end, I did this for myself. I want to look back at myself in 50 years and think "What a great time in my life". No matter how the pictures turn out, I am confident that I will like them because of how I felt for the 5 minutes in the mirror. In the spirit of seeittryit. I did it and it felt good!
Saturday, October 30, 2010
When you look in the mirror what do you see?
Everyday as I get ready, I stand in front of the mirror psyching myself up for the day. I never think too much about how I look or analyse myself. It's really wasting energy, in my opinion. Instead - I think about what I'll do that day and look forward to the little unexpected things that will 'pop up'.
As I got ready for my day on Tuesday - I thought about my doctor's appointment that I had for the afternoon and wondered what it may bring. After discussing my overall health (which is good) my Doc thought that I should finish the physical that we started 3 months ago. Interesting concept. So off I went to the scale for my 'weigh in'.
Recently, I have been noticing my body changing - in a positive way (due to my how my clothing is fitting - looser) so much so that I thought that I better try on my wedding dress to make sure that it still fit. It did.
As I stepped on the scale in the Doc's office - I wasn't sure what I'd hear. Verdict: 156.5lbs. I stood there in amazement as I was certain that I would have been down to somewhere in the 140's as my last weigh in I was 160lbs. I wasn't really discouraged as I am not concerned about weight, nor have I ever been. With this number I am classified in BMI terms at 26.9 as "overweight".
When I look at myself, I'm happy with what I see - Sure, I can lose a few here and there however, I feel healthy, energetic and confident. So I will wear my 156.5lbs proudly and look at it as a positive thing. I'm sure it's 156.5lbs of pure muscle. haha
I found it very interesting that at 160lbs I looked at myself in a different light - I was unhappy, stressed, self concious and lathargic. 3.5lbs lighter I feel fantastic. Goes to show that weight is just a number. It's everything else that matters - nutrition, exercise, lifestyle choices and people you surround yourself with. Enough said.
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
The Finish Line
I can't believe it's taken me this long to write about my PEI 1/2 Marathon Experience!
The week leading up to the big race, I was feeling extremely anxious: pacing, emotional, knots in my stomach - the whole nine. I wasn't scared of finishing the race but more so how my body/mind would feel while I was racing. I was scared that I'd cramp up or 'bonk' early on and then have to decide how to finish.... I made sure that I was hydrating up a storm - water, water and more water. During this fueling phase, I felt fantastic. Note to self: drink more water.
The night before the race, Mike and I hit the sack early to prepare - with both of us tossing and turning for most of the night it didn't make for a restful sleep. I was never so happy to see 6:00am hit and hear the sound of my alarm. By 8:00am, I was in at my parents to pick up my sister and head to the starting line. Once we got to Confed Centre we were taken back with the hoards of people around. As we were 35mins early, we paced and paced.
35mins later, the horn blew and we were off - slow at the start as it took almost 1min for us to pass the start line...Becs and I were feeling good, had a clear strategy of running 10mins, walking 1min. We started off quick and in our first 5km did 30mins (my personal best time). At this point, thrilled with my time, I knew I had to slow it down or I would gas out early. Becs started pulling ahead of me and as she looked back with the 'Are you coming?' look, I gave her the 'go 'head, go 'head' look. Once I hit the trail at the University I knew it was time to settle in. I had a group of people around me that were running at the same speed as me and doing a 10:1 program as well. The next hour was consistent - consistent pace, feeling in my body, etc. As I hit the Sherwood road intersection ready to take on the hills - I started feeling the fatigue, however, not enough to stop me, just enough to make me start breathing hard. I took my sport jelly beans for a boost and kept on.
As I approached the Euston/University intersection (2 blocks left), I had a feeling of sadness - to be finishing the race was bitter sweet. A year of preparing was over. Another goal achieved. Don't get me wrong, I was happy to be accomplishing the goal however, I enjoyed the training process so much that I was going to miss that.
As I hit the last block of race I heard the announcer say "finishing the 1/2 marathon, #1400, Stephanie Gee from Winsloe - Great job Stephanie". I could then see a group of people jumping up and down to my left. As I looked over there, to my surprise, was synchro swimmers, coaches, parents there to cheer me on. I was instantly overcome with emotion and started to cry and at the same time - couldn't breathe:) 3 of my athletes started running beside me with bright pink signs and I couldn't be more proud. I then looked to the right and saw my family and to the left, Mike's family. WOW - what a moment!
I crossed the finish line at 2hours26mins, received my tin foil cloak and participation medal and thought '1/2 marathon - check!'.
The next 3 days, I felt the 'after race dumps' - I was on a high for so long that I felt lethargic and blah after. I had a feeling of achievement and also an empty feeling, like - "what's next?". I received so many awesome messages and 'shout outs' and a few "what's next?" messages. Apparently, others are thinking the same thing!
So.....What is next for me?
- Joining the CrossFit gym in December
- Back to UFIT for the winter
- Intend to race the PEI 1/2 marathon again next October (to improve my time)
- Mike and I would like to do the full marathon in Las Vegas in December 2011.
The week leading up to the big race, I was feeling extremely anxious: pacing, emotional, knots in my stomach - the whole nine. I wasn't scared of finishing the race but more so how my body/mind would feel while I was racing. I was scared that I'd cramp up or 'bonk' early on and then have to decide how to finish.... I made sure that I was hydrating up a storm - water, water and more water. During this fueling phase, I felt fantastic. Note to self: drink more water.
The night before the race, Mike and I hit the sack early to prepare - with both of us tossing and turning for most of the night it didn't make for a restful sleep. I was never so happy to see 6:00am hit and hear the sound of my alarm. By 8:00am, I was in at my parents to pick up my sister and head to the starting line. Once we got to Confed Centre we were taken back with the hoards of people around. As we were 35mins early, we paced and paced.
35mins later, the horn blew and we were off - slow at the start as it took almost 1min for us to pass the start line...Becs and I were feeling good, had a clear strategy of running 10mins, walking 1min. We started off quick and in our first 5km did 30mins (my personal best time). At this point, thrilled with my time, I knew I had to slow it down or I would gas out early. Becs started pulling ahead of me and as she looked back with the 'Are you coming?' look, I gave her the 'go 'head, go 'head' look. Once I hit the trail at the University I knew it was time to settle in. I had a group of people around me that were running at the same speed as me and doing a 10:1 program as well. The next hour was consistent - consistent pace, feeling in my body, etc. As I hit the Sherwood road intersection ready to take on the hills - I started feeling the fatigue, however, not enough to stop me, just enough to make me start breathing hard. I took my sport jelly beans for a boost and kept on.
As I approached the Euston/University intersection (2 blocks left), I had a feeling of sadness - to be finishing the race was bitter sweet. A year of preparing was over. Another goal achieved. Don't get me wrong, I was happy to be accomplishing the goal however, I enjoyed the training process so much that I was going to miss that.
As I hit the last block of race I heard the announcer say "finishing the 1/2 marathon, #1400, Stephanie Gee from Winsloe - Great job Stephanie". I could then see a group of people jumping up and down to my left. As I looked over there, to my surprise, was synchro swimmers, coaches, parents there to cheer me on. I was instantly overcome with emotion and started to cry and at the same time - couldn't breathe:) 3 of my athletes started running beside me with bright pink signs and I couldn't be more proud. I then looked to the right and saw my family and to the left, Mike's family. WOW - what a moment!
I crossed the finish line at 2hours26mins, received my tin foil cloak and participation medal and thought '1/2 marathon - check!'.
The next 3 days, I felt the 'after race dumps' - I was on a high for so long that I felt lethargic and blah after. I had a feeling of achievement and also an empty feeling, like - "what's next?". I received so many awesome messages and 'shout outs' and a few "what's next?" messages. Apparently, others are thinking the same thing!
So.....What is next for me?
- Joining the CrossFit gym in December
- Back to UFIT for the winter
- Intend to race the PEI 1/2 marathon again next October (to improve my time)
- Mike and I would like to do the full marathon in Las Vegas in December 2011.
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
The Home Stretch

3.5 days left until the big Race!
I've been on a rollercoaster of emotions for the past week. Excited, nervous, sad, anxious, and undecided emotions. It's an emotional time for me as I never thought I would be 3.5 days away from running a 1/2 marathon. Last year, I struggled to get through a 5km race and 2 years ago my favorite saying was "the only time you see me run is if someone's chasing me".
So, here I am. Almost at the point of achieving something that was never on my life list as I would have thought it was completely out of my reach.
I believe that when I cross the finish line on Sunday, I will be forever changed. I will then know that "I can do anything". This week, I've had some mentally trying times with my runs. I was feeling like I didn't want to go out and train, I was feeling a sense of 'blahness' - no emotion or 'down in the dumps'. I ran on Sunday and was supposed to do 9km but QUIT at 6km. Why? Cause it felt too hard...I gave up.
The next day, I was supposed to try again to achieve 9k's and made excuses for myself not to do it. Then on Tuesday with Mike nagging me to get out and run. I went.
I got to the 6km mental block and was feeling like a million bucks. So I kept going. I finished the 9km in my fastest time ever and felt amazing. It is HARD going out by yourself and sticking to 'the plan' but yesterday I knew that I needed to finish it for myself.
The next time I run will be on Sunday with 1600 other people. I'm scared about achieving this goal as then I've set a standard for myself. Then, I have no excuse - I can do anything....GULP!
Thursday, October 7, 2010
A Minor Mental Setback

After my 17km 'hills' run something changed inside me. The sense of accomplishment I felt that day was so great that I gave myself the "goal achieved" stamp for the 1/2 Marathon. Keeping in mind that I have not raced yet - I think I got too confident.
My 1 year anniversary of running a 5km race was on October 3rd - the Run for the Cure. Mike kindly pointed out to my coworkers that it was my year anniversary, I blushed and off we went. The adrenaline kick I felt at the start was awesome - away we went in a sea of decorated people all running for the same cause. Very inspiring.
I get to the 1/2 way mark of the race and I could feel my face heating up - I started commenting to Mike "Oh, I think I overdressed" and "my stomach hurts" and Mike just smiled and gave me the nodd of "you can do this!". I kept on.
We hit Water street and I was thinking "I can't believe a 5km is THIS hard". I was never so happy to see the home stretch. We were hitting the last portion of the run and I extreme wave of nausea came over me. I suddenly kealed over on the side of the road and gasped for air...Mike rushed over to see what was going on and all I could think of is "get me to the car!". I was never so embarassed.
As I was taking a right to the car, Mike was pulling me left as he insisted that we cross the finish line. Oooohhh, I was mad - probably shot a dirty look BUT walked alongside of him and yes - we crossed the finish line.
At the end of the race I was kicking myself knowing that I didn't prepare. Coffee, Pepsi Max and other treats on my night shift the night before = dehydration. Cocky attitude that "I don't need to prepare" = kealing over at the side of the road dry heaving. Pretty picture.
Ok body/mind - I've learned my lesson. Enough said.
Saturday, October 2, 2010

So I've been on a bit of a "blogcation" as my schedule has got the best of me for the past week. Along the way, I've been thinking of things to write about and when I go to do an entry - I would fall asleep or 'doze off'. Imagine rubber necking as you are trying to type on the key board.... Finger clicking the mouse unexpectedly, tooooo manyd; letejrs (oh, I think it just happened again). This is definitely a sign that I need some sleep.
I must say, I've done a lot on my blogcation.
I bought a car - yay me!
I had my second private pole dancing class in which I chose a song for my routine... (right now, mum's the word)
I started back coaching at the pool
I celebrated a life - Donald Gallant
I attended an Aqua Jog class in which my arms burned from the water resistance (go figure)
I worked an overtime shift
I watched the 1st episode of Season #5 of Dexter
I attended a hot yoga class
I had a couple of meetings (story of my life)
So needless to say, it's been busy and productive.
Tomorrow, I am running 5km in Run for the Cure. This is something that I enjoy doing as I feel that as a woman I should support a cause that's dear to my heart. 3 years ago, I knew very few woman that had/have or were battling breast cancer. This year, it seems that I know more women that have breast cancer than not (I know, exaggeration - but point taken eh?). So tomorrow I will be running for all women that have been touched by this illness. I will say a prayer for everyone who is battling it now and I will smile and share positive energy with everyone around me to inspire others. Woman are caretakers, givers, healers, lovers and angels.
It is our turn to 'live hard' doing the things that bring us joy and not feel guilty doing it. We are worth it!
Thursday, September 23, 2010
Relax, Would Ya?
Learning how to relax is like learning a new language. It's not easy but can be achieved with practice and more practice. I find these days when I'm stressed it hits me like a ton of bricks. My heart rate elevates, I get antsy and have trouble focusing. Why? Because I have learned how to relax. It's been a process, has taken a lot of practice but has been sooooooo worth it. I'm almost hypersensitive to stress and worry. It's like I've quit a substance - my tolerance is down and I get intoxicated off of it in an instant.
Here are some things that have helped me learn to relax:
- believe that I'm worth having 'me' time
- decided what activities, surroundings, people bring me joy
- dedicate time daily to 'zoning' out
- exercising
- being honest with my feelings, not holding things in
- trying to keep myself organized
- sending out positive energy to others
- yoga
- hydration
My best friend gave me the most valuable book a few years back - "How to Stop Worrying and Start Living". Just looking at the book is a wake up call. Worry is the root (in my opinion) to illness, stress and lack of energy. Some of us say "we can't help it" or "that's just the way I am". However, teaching yourself to focus on the controllable factors i.e. your reactions to events, persons, situations is achievable. Again, takes practice!
Why write about this? To remind myself to relax, manage stress and shift my focus. That's all.
Here are some things that have helped me learn to relax:
- believe that I'm worth having 'me' time
- decided what activities, surroundings, people bring me joy
- dedicate time daily to 'zoning' out
- exercising
- being honest with my feelings, not holding things in
- trying to keep myself organized
- sending out positive energy to others
- yoga
- hydration
My best friend gave me the most valuable book a few years back - "How to Stop Worrying and Start Living". Just looking at the book is a wake up call. Worry is the root (in my opinion) to illness, stress and lack of energy. Some of us say "we can't help it" or "that's just the way I am". However, teaching yourself to focus on the controllable factors i.e. your reactions to events, persons, situations is achievable. Again, takes practice!
Why write about this? To remind myself to relax, manage stress and shift my focus. That's all.
Monday, September 20, 2010
Swimming and Swinging
This morning, Mike and I hit the pool for some more swim training. He's getting more and more comfortable in the water and I'm loving every minute of the lap swimming. Much needed change from the running.
Well, enough of that....
Today was my 1st private pole dancing class! Yay! I'm back and soooo glad as I left the class sweaty, jellowy and excited for the next 8 weeks. As we reviewed some techniques, it was a different feeling not to have Becs by my side. I giggled to myself as I did some hip rolls on the wall thinking about Becs' travelling hands and hip rolls. Hehe.
We capped my 1st session off with a routine which set the bar for the rest of my training. That's right - I'm training to be sexy. It's not easy...
I am planning on focusing my classes on routines and choreography as I told my instructor that "I feel as though I'm a good dancer and sexy in my head but sometimes it doesn't translate to the floor"... As we chuckled - she said that I have the hardest part beat - usually people have a hard time BELIEVING that they're a good dancer or sexy. No, not me!
Sunday, September 19, 2010
Run Stephanie Run
I just got back from my first intense 15km run. Mike decided that we should be training on more hills so at 8am this morning we set off. He has this new way of warming up for us called 'striders' where you typically try increasing your stride to open up your hips and warm up the muscles. As I look like a complete moron doing it - it makes for a good laugh at the start of a 1hour and 40 minute adventure. Our first hill adventure was Sherwood Rd (from lower malpeque to brackley point). I started off very confident and almost thinking "come on, where's the challenge". Almost... As we run by the Humane Society, I am discussing the delightful possibilities of adopting a dog someday that I can hook to my waist and have run along with us. Ahh... to dream. As we pass by Island Construction I'm thinking "oh I miss Bec, wonder what she's doing now...." and then I say - "jeez Mike this isn't that hard". He smirks and nods. Then like a ton of bricks - the wall hit and I was doing everything I could just to keep forward motion. Note to self: Don't ever think something is too easy, enjoy the moment....
We then made our way to Brackley Point Road and enjoyed the new (or new to me) Multipurpose trail. We chatted, settled in and were taking in the awesome morning. At about the 4th hill we encountered I started feeling this burning sensation in my hamstrings. Never have felt this before... I continue pushing through but at the point of me dragging my legs behind me and going at a snail's pace Mike suggests we walk out the "cramping" that I'm experiencing..
CRAMPING??? IS THIS WHAT CRAMPING FEELS LIKE? All these times where I thought cramping was a charlie horse. I have never felt anything like it.
We walked for approx 7mins as I did some more striders, contemplated life and tried to visualize myself making it home in one piece. After the walk, I had this adrenaline rush hit. I started running like the wind and Mike was saying behind me "SLOW DOWN, THIS IS NOT OUR TRAINING PACE" as I was running down hills, up hills, on Winsloe Road. Nothing could stop me.
We finished and I had such a sense of accomplishment, I felt like Dennis in "Run Fat Boy Run". Mike admitted that he never thought that I would be doing this 1/2 Marathon as my attitude was so poor last year. Can't wait til October 18th - it's going to be an awesome day!
Enjoy this clip from "Run Fat Boy Run" - What a great movie! Show's anyone can do it with determination and guts.
Fitness Log:
Sunday - Hot Yoga
Monday -Run 5km
Tuesday - Swimming with Mike
Wednesday - 10km run
Thursday - Hot Yoga
Friday - Rest
Saturday -Rest
Sunday 15km
We then made our way to Brackley Point Road and enjoyed the new (or new to me) Multipurpose trail. We chatted, settled in and were taking in the awesome morning. At about the 4th hill we encountered I started feeling this burning sensation in my hamstrings. Never have felt this before... I continue pushing through but at the point of me dragging my legs behind me and going at a snail's pace Mike suggests we walk out the "cramping" that I'm experiencing..
CRAMPING??? IS THIS WHAT CRAMPING FEELS LIKE? All these times where I thought cramping was a charlie horse. I have never felt anything like it.
We walked for approx 7mins as I did some more striders, contemplated life and tried to visualize myself making it home in one piece. After the walk, I had this adrenaline rush hit. I started running like the wind and Mike was saying behind me "SLOW DOWN, THIS IS NOT OUR TRAINING PACE" as I was running down hills, up hills, on Winsloe Road. Nothing could stop me.
We finished and I had such a sense of accomplishment, I felt like Dennis in "Run Fat Boy Run". Mike admitted that he never thought that I would be doing this 1/2 Marathon as my attitude was so poor last year. Can't wait til October 18th - it's going to be an awesome day!
Enjoy this clip from "Run Fat Boy Run" - What a great movie! Show's anyone can do it with determination and guts.
Fitness Log:
Sunday - Hot Yoga
Monday -Run 5km
Tuesday - Swimming with Mike
Wednesday - 10km run
Thursday - Hot Yoga
Friday - Rest
Saturday -Rest
Sunday 15km
Saturday, September 11, 2010
The Wedding Dreams...
Lately I have been having dreams or possibly 'nightmares' that I'm not prepared for my wedding day. Whether it's been the big day and I don't have the Church booked or it's the big day and I forget to wear my wedding dress (go figure?), or better yet - it's the big day and I marry the wrong man by accident - these dreams are really starting to freak me out! During the daylight hours I'm calm, happy, and comfortable with my premarital experience. Whereas in the REM sleep hours I'm missing the bus, looking hideous and unorganized....
So my typical Type A personality is freaking out about the unorganization in my dream. I'm waking up disappointed in myself for not having the deets completely set. I'm waking up saying "Thank God that's not going to happen on the Big Day". I'm thinking about the details I have yet to iron out.
WHY, WHY, WHY am I torturing myself at night? Hmmm...
Today, being fed up with the craziness of these dreams, I googled "What do dreams about not being prepared on your wedding day mean?" True Story.
Google's answer - Preparing your mind set for the future. Prior to actual wedding: To be expected.
So my typical Type A personality is freaking out about the unorganization in my dream. I'm waking up disappointed in myself for not having the deets completely set. I'm waking up saying "Thank God that's not going to happen on the Big Day". I'm thinking about the details I have yet to iron out.
WHY, WHY, WHY am I torturing myself at night? Hmmm...
Today, being fed up with the craziness of these dreams, I googled "What do dreams about not being prepared on your wedding day mean?" True Story.
Google's answer - Preparing your mind set for the future. Prior to actual wedding: To be expected.
Thursday, September 9, 2010

Lately my day timer is busting at the seams. With each day full of chicken scratchings - random names, reminder's, notes to self, appointments and meetings, I have to be very careful that I keep Balance in my life. Mike and I leave eachother notes on our whiteboard in the kitchen daily. Just to say "I'm thinking of you", this morning's note went a little something like this:
"Don't live here anymore (referencing me not being home for supper in a week), Don't sleep in the same bed (referencing me falling asleep on the couch watching an online show, waking up at 4am - stiff, sore and tired)... You get the note drift.
I always say to him that "Don't worry, it will slow down next week" OR "I HAVE to do this stuff". When in all reality, it won't slow down and I don't have to do this 'stuff'. Bottom Line: The busier I am, the more I do.
Having Balance in my life is something I've been striving for, whole life. I tend to submerse myself in things and forget to nurture my relationship, friendships, and self. So for Mike's 35th birthday next week, I am going to give him the gift of "me". Me focused when he's talking to me, Me living in the moment and Me rested, nourished (haven't had a good supper in a week - wonder why?) and healthy.
This weekend I've decided I'm going to take some time to myself. It could be the last weekend for a while that I get some down time. I plan on not making plans. I intend to relax, sleep, watch TV, Run, Hot Yoga, Swim and organize myself. Not too exciting but needed.
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
Stephanie - 1

Yes it's true - Rebecca has moved....Noooooooo.......!!!!
I feel as though I've lost my left arm, we've become so close over the past year that it's hard to believe that I won't get to see her daily, train, laugh and joke and just 'know' she's there. I miss you already Becs!
Yesterday was my 1st run with Becs gone. I initially decided to do a 16k but as I started going, I realized that I had bit off more than I could chew for the day. Without Becs' constant 'aches and pains' groans beside me, all I had to focus on was my own aches/pains. I didn't realize how beneficial it was for me to have her suffering beside me (sorry becs, it's true). I solely focused on her during the runs and that was good for me. So, as I got to about 6kms I knew that it was only a 10k day. I was slightly dissapointed that my mind took over and I couldn't refocus but I also knew that I was doing hot yoga 1.5hours later and needed to hydrate before. I made it through the rest of the run and with every step (I know, dramatic!) it became a reality that my training partner was gone:(
After the run as I went home to prepare for Yoga, the doorbell rang. I pranced to the front door thinking it was Mike coming home from swimming. I opened the door and much to my dismay 2 girls were standing there....
"So, you're a biker?" Girl
"Well, I guess you could say that" Me
"Have you ever considered the Kingdom that is talked about in the Lord's Prayer" Girl
At this point I knew... Jehovah's Witnesses... I made a concious choice to listen, have an open mind, respect them and try to understand what they're doing...
"No, not really" Me (so insightful, haha)
Erin (JW, as she introduced herself) then read me a scripture about the Kingdom... to inspire me, I guess...
"Well, that's nice Erin" Me
"You know, Armageddon IS coming" Erin
"Well, that's just great..." Me (to me Armageddon has already occured - BOTH sisters are GONE)
"Have you ever thought of the end of the world" Erin
"No, I try not to think of the end of the world" Me
"Well there will be peace and you don't have to be scared" Erin
This conversation went on for approx 10mins. I was enlightened by Scripture readings and wisdom. I respected them and felt good about that. I don't fully understand their method to 'door to door' teachings/recruitment but "whatever floats your boat".
In the spirit of seeittryit - I tried listening and not avoiding, can't say that I was inspired enough to join along and I did give a 'shout out' to my Protestant religion.
This weekend was great - swimming, running, yoga, hanging out with Mike and 2 great movies. Life is good:)
The "Real" Moksha Yoga

Mike and I had tried and practiced Moksha Yoga last spring in anticipation for the new studio to be built on Prince Street. What a treat it was yesterday to finally experience the 'real' Moksha Yoga. In a room heated to approx 45 degrees celcius, Mike and I were glad we went early to adjust to the heat. Laying in shavashna for approx 15mins, I - at first - was not sure how the 60min class would go (feeling hot and clammy). I was pleasantly surprised to see Mike laying still and calm for the entire 15mins. As my eyes darted around the room, he was in a coma like state beside me. I could tell I hadn't practiced in a while as I had a hard time centering myself.
So then it began....In the 1st 5mins I could feel myself sweating at a rate I haven't sweated (not sure that's a word) before. I soon relaxed and had this pain-free, loose feeling all over my body. I could feel myself detoxifying and lengthening. By minute 20 - I was dripping sweat at a fast rate and as I held downward dog the water streamed into my nostrils giving me the "water up the nose" sensation. I look around and everyone was breathing hard and sweaty just like me. As we went into the pidgeon pose, I was bombarded with sweat in my eyes (Goggles and noseplug would have been nice). By minute 60 I felt better than I ever had before. I understood the concept of hot yoga and appreciated the blissful feeling I had. What an amazing experience.
The rest of the day I felt awesome - skin was soft and smooth, hair shiny, muscles loose and energy high!
I intend to practice hot yoga for september (unlimited sessions for $40 - steal) and probably continue on for the winter. It is so refreshing and awesome that I could be on the verge of addicted.....
Tuesday, August 31, 2010

I spent this past weekend camping with my best friend, her husband and 2 kids at Marco Polo Land in Cavendish. What a wonderful weekend! From the beautiful weather, awesome kids, good food and conversation - I couldn't ask for more.
It's been a while since I've got to see my God Children - what a difference in them - I can't believe the 3 yr old boy. He has an awesome personality, can talk in full sentences and can crack jokes with the best of them. The 7 year old girl is growing too fast - independent, inquisitive, thoughtful and getting soooo tall.
Marco has lots to offer for families and kids. In the spirit of being a great God mother and true to my "seeittryit" lifestyle - I went on the Jumping Pillow, not once but approx 15-20x. Thinking it could be a relaxing time jumping up and down, playing with the kids - my eyes soon opened as I realized that we were literally "popping popcorn kernels". Thighs burning, puffing and panting - the look of me flailing around was enough to get any child laughing. It was FUN!
The rest of the weekend consisted of a corn boil, swimming and playing Marco Polo, running, walking, lounging, and 'taking it all in'. The only thing missing was Mike - he would have had a great time.
Sunday, August 22, 2010
Training for the 1/2

Training for the 1/2 marathon has been quite an adventure. From the short, not so easy runs, to the long "dig deep" kind of runs - you have to wonder when, if at all, it will get easier. I keep telling myself and my sister that it takes great mental strength to run a marathon (or 1/2 of one). The only way I know this is that more times than not, I've felt like quitting but because I've set a goal, it's not an option.
This past Friday, Becs and I set out for our 1st 16km run (longest to date). At 20mins in, Becs felt terrible rib pain and queezy. As we hoped to do 16kms in 1hour and 40mins - we had a long ways to go to complete the run and she was in lots of pain at the start. As I was determined not to quit and use this as training for the unforseen circumstances - we carried on. The rest of the run was walking/running but we made it through. I was proud of Becs for 'digging deep' and getting it done. Although it was not enjoyable, it was an experience and another notch on the training belt. 2 hours later we arrived at my parents house - sore, hungry, frustrated and relieved.
Moral of this story: we set the rules for ourselves, set goals and work to achieve them under any circumstance, dig deep and find the positive in the 'not so positive' times and keep on keepin on!
Fitness Log:
Friday: 16km run/walk
Saturday: 45mins swimming
Thank You

My 30th Birthday was August 11th and I'm still enjoying the side effects of being born. This past 2 weeks have been filled with laughter, fun, love, reminiscing, friends, family and generosity. It's overwhelming for me to think of all of the Happy Birthday wishes, dinners, cards, gifts, and time people have devoted to celebrating my special milestone. From the bottom of my love filled heart - THANK YOU!
Birthday's (0-29) used to be a day where I would have expectations. I would expect that I would hear from certain people, I would expect that people would give me gifts, I would expect a certain 'feeling' on my birthday, I would expect to have people drop everything and spend time with me. Selfish - I know.... and not the 'good' selfish. This is why I decided to, for my 30th, have no expectations. I planned (with the help of Mike) a camping trip because I like to camp. I didn't 'advertise' my birthday for weeks before (just in case people would forget) and didn't 'ask' for anything in particular for gifts. The energy I put out for this birthday had to be positive as I've felt the most special I have in my life. I like it... I love it! I had an awesome birthday dinner with my family, spent time with a special friend at dinner, had a relaxing fun evening with friends for dinner/show (Thank you to my best friend for organizing it!), enjoyed a wonderful supper/time and chatting with Mike's family and look forward to dinner with another friend next week. Who could ask for more?
Well, I can't...
Sunday, August 15, 2010

For my 30th, Mike and I headed to Kejimkujik, NS to experience nature, quality time (2 year Anniversary occured during this time) and do some cross training....uh I mean, exercise. As we had scheduled to leave on Wednesday morning, Mike got up (after a night shift) at 10am and we started the "getting ready" process. As we like to make sure we have everything we need - this takes a while. With packing list in hand we scowered the house for any possible items that would help in our adventure. Key chain (you never know), small baggies/big baggies, clothes pins, scissors, waterproof matches, garbage bags, sobey's bags (we thought we need a lot of bags) and the list went on. 2.5hours later - we were ready to start the adventure.
As an anniversary present to eachother we purchased a GPS to essentially help us find our way to Keji. It's a known fact that if you spin either of us around 3x, we WILL get lost. We set the GPS to "Maitland, NS" and off we went. With 5hours ahead of us (as the GPS told us) the first portion of our trip was nice - learned how to use cruise control (1st timer), stopped at Allen's Petro for some chips (Happy Birthday to me) and life was good. We made our way to Truro, essentially without a hitch. We then decided to stop to eat in Truro as we thought we had tons of day left. After eating, Mike decided to try to find "Kejimkujik" on the GPS....hmmm...nothing....., interesting.... but there was a "Kedgeamakoodge, NS". I insisted that it can't be the same place as:
1- Tom Tom couldn't be wrong (with spelling)
2- It said total time from Truro was 3hours 50mins
We then decided to go buy a trusty 'ol map to check the surrounding areas and revise our GPS search. I was sure that Keji was by Maitland - how could it be sooooo far away....After carefully surveying the map - the GPS, although not spelled correctly, was right! By this time we were looking at arriving at 9pm. (Notes to self: research the exact location of where you're going before heading there(Keji is in Maitland Bridge NOT Maitland), Don't ask Dad how long things take - he told us 5hours...) Feeling defeated we set off for our 5hour drive. Winding roads, 50km/hour zones we FINALLY arrived at 7:40pm. We made better time then expected but still had our set up to do and supper to cook.
Our site was nice (treed in, corner lot) and my parents who had arrived 2 days before had a screened in picnic area for eating. Things started looking up. We rushed to get our massive tent up before sundown (as with the trees comes a very DARK site) and were excited to test out our new air mattresses - 1 queen airbed (3 storey's tall) and a double air mattress. I was trying to be considerate to Mike who is a restless sleeper so I suggested we buy 2 mattresses. As I'm known to thrash, talk and sprawl during sleep he was delighted. Mom had told me they had an electric pump so I went up to their site to retreive it. Upon arrival smiling at the fresh air and smell of campfire I asked "So where's your electric pump?" Dad then says "What electric pump?", "You know, the electric pump that MOM told me you have...". "Oh, the tire pump, well that's not for pumping up air mattresses...." WHAT!, I thought. This can't be right. "Ok, well do you have another pump?" I asked as Mom brought out the old foot pump. "Here you go dear". I headed back to our site with foot pump in tow and faced a look of disgust on Mike's face. "Where's the electric pump?" he asked. "What electric pump?" I said, with a smirk. "They don't have one so I guess we'll have to use this.." "Where's your hairdryer?" "Didn't bring it, I thought I would go au natural". I'm sure you can see where this is going. 3 communication breakdown's later we opened the 3 story tall mattress thinking that we'd just tackle the one - we came to find that it didn't have the right hole for the pump we had. "Well this is just great!" I said tired, hungry, and getting slightly frustrated at my birthday day. Aren't birthday's supposed to be a special days??
Mike and I then spent an hour trying to pump up the 3 story tall mattress with the wrong pump - 1/4 air in, 3/4 air wasted - we contemplated just sleeping on the ground.. With only 1/4 mattress pumped up after an hour we stopped to have a supper break. As Mike performed what appeared to be chest compressions for another hour with little progress, he then thought Why don't we just blow into it? As I was on the verge of giving up and sleeping on the rocky sloped ground he, in his sternest coach voice, demanded 30sec intervals of blowing into the mattress. He started and we switched every 30secs for approx 15mins. As the air mattress went up in no time at all, we giggled from oxygen deprivation. The final minutes we got cocky and decided to go for 1min each. At the brink of passing out we'd switch and rest up for the next minute. At 11:15pm - we were done and I was ready to go to bed as I wanted to start a new day.
The rest of our trip was awesome. On Thursday morning we canoed 10kms around the lake and stopped at an island for a picnic. In the afternoon, we rode our bikes on the trails stopping momentarily to sit by the river and 'take it all in'. At the end of our trail ride Mom, Dad and I headed back on the road to our campsite while Mike made a quick pit stop and said he'd meet up with us in a minute. 15mins later, no sign of him. With every passing second my heart started beating faster and faster thinking of all of the 'possibilities'. I decided to head back and see if I could find him as Mom and Dad waited at the main booth to see if he'd come flying by there. I circled around the outhouse he stopped at and no sign of him. Imagination running wild, I started panicking. I biked like forest would run - back to the booth and would periodically check behind me to see if I could see him - no sign.... no sign again. I went through an action plan in my head:
- head back to the site
- grab the car and start driving around
- keep panicking
As I saw Mom and Dad smiling at the booth, I was thinking "this is NOT funny people".. I turned around again and there he was riding like the wind right behind me. After another communication breakdown (turned right instead of left) he had done 8kms in another direction trying to find us. Whew - so the bears, coyotes, and masked men DIDN'T get you....
After passing out at midnight on Thursday (from exhaustion) we started Friday hiking 3 different trails, checking out a secluded beach and enjoying nature. We had a 15km trail ride scheduled for the afternoon but after arriving back I thought that I couldn't possibly endure another 15kms. We opted for a shorter 6km ride (parents stayed back - smart people) and off we went. I was feeling good - getting gutsier as I would 'jump' the tree roots on the trail, not break completely on the hills and thought I'd have Mike take a shot of me 'in action'. We stopped a couple of times for some photo ops and then went on our way. Just as I was got back going before I knew it a kid (approx 10years old) came tearing around a corner and collided with me. Bruised knee and tears welling up in eyes, I continued on. Within minutes a dog jumped up on Mike as he was biking and we decided to head to the road.
Friday night we headed into Annapolis Royal for a nice dinner and found a hidden Gem of a restaurant called "Bistro East". We fine dined and walked around the lovely little town. Not a soul to be seen, crickets chirping and sun setting on the harbour - what a picturesque place.
Saturday morning came and we packed up (went much more smoothly then our adventure to the park) and headed home. We made it in 6.5hours, unpacked and hit the sack early. What a great time!
As Mom says - the trips that don't go as planned are the ones you remember - with all of the 'little things' that happened came lots of QT with Mike and the Fam, lots of exercise and good food.
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
I Ain't No Gummie....

"Ain't No Mountain High Enough...."
"Ain't No Valley Low Enough....
"Ain't No River Wide Enough....
"To Keep Me From Getting to You Baby..."
This was the song that my sisters and I serenaded each other with hand gestures at my cousins wedding on July 24th. Arms up, Arms down, Fingers pointed at my sisters and open (with soul)... and the dancing went on. It was a beautiful, elegant, special day for the eldest Gee girl (cousin). If I could, I would bottle the day up and put in on a shelf to open when I need a pick me up. I was so happy for her and to see the extended family - which I don't get to see often enough.
After over indulging at the Candy Bar (got to work on self control asap) and dancing the night away (or until 11:30pm), I was so excited to get home and continue planning my nuptials. As I was completely enthralled with the candy bar and the possibility of having my favorite gummie candies at my wedding, I soon remembered that I had cut myself off gummies 2.5 years ago. OOPS! At this time, I would literally go to Shopper's Drug Mart on my way home from work, grab a bag of "Real" Fruit gummies and head home to devour these candies as if it was my job. By the end of the bag, I would have the sugar rush of the century, sore teeth and an ounce of shame. I continued this pattern for months and decided that it was time.
Quitting gummies was not easy. Anytime I was in a store, they would stare me down. Swedish Berries, Fuzzy Peaches, Real Fruits, Wine mouth waters thinking of them. I would quickly have to turn away for fear I would slip and grab a bag. I replaced Gummies with Gum and my life appeared to be better.....Until July 24th where I lost control and made a pig of myself at the Candy Bar. 3.5 bags of gummies later and I felt sick. I couldn't stop myself, cankers started forming inside my mouth and as I went up for my 3rd full bag of candy - the photographer snapped photos of my smiling face as I stared down at the jars. "Well this is just great" - I thought. Evidence!
It's ironic that "Ain't No Mountain High Enough" started playing shortly after my last binge as when I start eating the gummies, I can't stop. Nothing could keep me away from them, not even a mountain, valley or river. Needless to say, I will NOT be having a Candy Bar at my wedding for my own personal health and well-being. I love the idea of this and only wish I could exert self control when candy is in my presence. Since I can't I will have to punish myself and go 'free from' candy at my wedding.
Love is sweet, have a treat! If only I could..............
Sunday, August 8, 2010
"My Crow's Are the Blackest"

I've had a short summer break from my blog - not because I wanted to, just because my grandmother took sick and passed away on Wednesday, August 4th at 12:30am. It was upsetting as during her last few days she was in a lot of pain. I felt as if I was on an emotional rollar coaster. In the time, I didn't feel like writing. I frankly was so exhausted from the emotional strain that all I wanted to do was sleep.
After my Grammie's passing, I kept having the desire to read at the funeral. Why? Not sure - I think because I wanted to remember the good times and not focus on the bad days at the end. My bestfriend also read at her father's funeral so I thought - if she can do it, then I should be able to. In preparing my speech, I was calm and anxious to tell everyone how great a lady my Grammie was. I have spent a lot of time with her, cleaning her house, visiting, lots of lunches and dinners. I am lucky.
The day of the funeral, I felt emotional. Possibly anticipating the reading and because we had to say our final goodbye to Grammie that morning. It was a beautiful ceremony, one that I know she would have liked. I got through the reading and felt a sense of relief after.
Here is the reading. Enjoy!
Fancy jewelry, the color purple, shopping, apple pies, chop suey, Walmart, slacks and pickles/relish are all things that make me think of my grandmother.
Grammie's happiest moments were when she was surrounded by her family. She didn't want for much - only to hear laughter, see smiles and listen to everyone's stories. Grammie, I'm sure, could have been a professional people watcher.
She was so proud of all of her family and just the thought of any of her grandchildren would bring a smile to her face. As she would say - "Her crows are the blackest".
As grandchildren, some of our fondest memories of Grammie were camping, sleepovers, decorating the Christmas tree, getting "pills" (as she would reach into her pantry for a handfull of rockets), coming for impromptu lunches and bringing friends and having lots of traditional family dinners.
Grammie loved animals - especially dogs. She would always have a pocket full of treats and would giggle as the dogs would push her out the door to get their traditional departure treat. Aaron, Amanda and Erica's dog Becky would even run away from home and land on Grammie's doorstep. Grammie also named a crow "Edgar" after a friend and neighbor of hers. She would leave food out for him daily to make sure he was taken care of.
Grammie taught us a lot of valuable life lessons. She knew the value of a dollar, held a high standard for herself and family, and had integrity. She knew what she did and didn't like and wasn't scared to share her opinion. As grandchildren, we always loved Grammie's saying like:
"Eat your carrots so you can see in the dark"
"Well...isn't he a tall glass of water"
"Don't trust a man with bangs"
And if she was here today she'd probably say:
"Clean your plate so it will be a fine day tomorrow"...
Fitness Log
Despite all of the craziness, I have been getting out to run and swim.
Friday, July 23, 2010
What a pain! In the neck....

So, on Tuesday a nice lady hit me from behind as I was driving home. Immediately I felt a pain in the back of my scull. My initial thoughts were - "Well, isn't this just great" and then "If I can't run I'll be pissed!".... I got out of my car to see if the lady was ok and she politely ignored me. Not sure why, just think she was afraid that I'd "freak out" at the fact that she wasn't paying attention. I was lucky as Mike was home to offer support in my time of shock. As I was walking around aimlessly (shock) he was reigning me back in. Bottom line - moderate damage to the back of my car, unknown injury to my neck/shoulder/back. As I waited for the Doc at emerg, lots of things were running through my head from the extent of the injuries to how long I'd be waiting. So my very first hospital visit went like this
"Hi Doctor"
"Hi Stephanie"..."So you got in a little accident eh?"
"Yes Doc, A lady hit me from behind" - then I retold my accident story
"Does it hurt when I press here" - pressing up and down my spine
"It hurts everywhere Doctor"
"What about this" - pokes my muscles
"Yes Doctor"
"Well, Stephanie - what you're telling me is normal - Oh thank God, I thought (I know dramatic) "Basically, you'll be sore for a week so you need to heat, heat, heat, ice, ice, ice and keep moving. You should rest for the rest of the day as you'll feel off" - True story, I did.
"That's great Doctor, Thanks!"
And that's it. I was in and out lickety split and felt on top of the world. Don't know why I was so worried...Well, I guess some of the worry comes from seeing people in accidents daily (used to work at Physio Clinics) suffering with chronic head aches and pain. Not Fun!
Three days later and I'm feeling great. Barely any pain and spirits are high. I'm so grateful for having such a positive experience from one of the 'pain in the butt' experiences. I can still drive my car, deemed 100% NOT at fault, not is good.
Fitness Log:
Tuesday - 5km run - 28:49
Friday - 4km run - 22:39
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
Capabilities, Comments and Cows

Picture this......
50 hours of no sleep, 36hours and 14mins of trekking, kayaking, biking while branches, mud, bogs and bugs standing in your way. This people, would be called an Adventure Race......
Mike just completed his first Adventure Race this past weekend. At 12:37pm on Sunday, I received a text:
"What an experience. Never f*****g again." Went that good eh? I was thinking.....
After the initial sleep deprivation, hunger, dirtiness (was wet for 36 hours) had subsided, the sense of accomplishment set in. He retold the 36 hours of racing and went through the highs and lows. My question to him was..."What did you learn about yourself". His response - "That I'm capable of anything". Who would of thought that people are able to push themselves to such limits and still have room for more. Certainly not me or him. I don't know what I expected him to say about the race in the end. Thinking that he would hit peaks and valleys emotionally - maybe get discouraged...I'm not sure. He did say at no point did he think he needed to stop or wanted to. Wow, amazing!
We then determined that Adventure Racing is like child birth. Never want to do it again as you're going through it. Not so bad when you're done and the time passes...
Congratulations Team Ham n Eggers!!
While Mike was in the deep woods in NB pushing himself to the limit...I was having an enlightening discussion about Cows with a coworker. As she was discussing farming, I was thinking about Cows. Do cows have personalities? Can then respond to a name - like, could I call a Cow Connie and would she come? Are cows smart? Things that I've never really thought about.
My coworker let me in on a little secret about cows - they're slightly intellectually challenged. It takes them a while to catch on to simple commands and are creatures of habit. Betcha you're glad I filled you in on this secret - now everyone can sleep better tonight.
As I'm working towards my goal of achieving the 1/2 Marathon in October, I haven't ran since my last bad run. Not because I have been discouraged (well maybe a little) but more so that I've just been busy. I am running tomorrow morning and then again Friday. Looking forward to it as my body has punished me for my mini break....Lower back, hips and knees have been killing me. The more active I am, the better I feel. Ok body - I GET IT! While Mike was away I was looking for inspiration and so who better to turn to - my positive self. I was rereading older blog posts and noticed some comments that I hadn't looked at from friends encouraging me or congratulating my on achieving a good run, etc. Thank you friends! It was just what I needed:)
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
The "New" Stephanie

NOTE: Not me in the picture :)
So I decided to cut my hair off and unbeknownst to me color it MUCH lighter. This was a result of getting tired of wearing it up ALL the time. Recently, I was thinking that since my last cut I hadn't worn it down once.....Wait, I just lied - I wore it down for 2 mins in my pole dancing class. Can't believe I forgot about that..:) I was super pumped to go to my hair dresser with a picture, finally - a vision for my limp, thin coiff. I proudly displayed the picture, she commented on how beautiful it was, asked me if I was getting colored and then the 2 hours of transforming began. We had mad chats and on the hot day (Tuesday), I enjoyed being in an air conditioned salon. It was then time for the rinse, toner, cut, blow dry, flat iron and voila! Blonde, butterscotch (her words) and other unknown colors stared back at me. WOW! She took the picture to heart (almost exactly what I brought in - including color). I was shocked but also pleasantly surprised. A new hair cut to go with the "new" me (as my Mom and sister refer to me).
I left the hair studio with an extra bounce in my step. Unsure if I was sold on the color, I was pleased that it was different. In the spirit of this blog - I saw it, tried it, and am still getting used to it. I find myself running my fingers through it, checking myself in the mirror to 'see' if it's still light and trying to come up with different ways to wear it. So far - I have 2 options. I feel like I've had this hair cut for years and that's how I know it was meant to be.
Fitness Log:
Yesterday - 3km run - shaved 6mins off our time (14:40mins - felt like I was faster than the wind)
Today - 3km run - torturous - leg cramp, heavy breathing and a defeatist attitude. Needless to say, didn't go so well.
Monday, July 12, 2010
Inspiring the Inspired

Some days, I wake up on the 'wrong side of the bed'. Groggy, pouty and quiet, I crave the feeling of the bed and the comfort of the cozy covers. Damp days - like we've had for the last few - make my joints ache and I feel heavy. Yesterday was one of those days - switching from night shifts/day shifts (working OT yesterday) my body was saying no when the demands of work were saying yes.... I drove through the drive through - annoyed at where my coffee money was (God forbid, I had to dig it out of my pocket and THEN figure out a place to put the car is a mess). I then cursed my lovely car for the unknown rattle/clunk that's under my feet. Chitty, Chitty, Bang, Bang doesn't even describe it.
I do consider myself a happy-go-lucky person but today was an exception to the rule. As I was driving to work, listening to the same CD I do everyday and thinking, "man I'm sick of this CD...." I was getting annoyed at myself for being annoyed...double annoyed = a bad start to my day. As I'm driving past the old folks home on Malpeque Rd, I see the little old man - hunched over, carefully watching the ground for unexpected obstacles, walking at a brisk pace to the edge of the parking lot and back to the building over and over. I usually see him on my way to work or my way home and he can always bring a smile to my face. Most days, I'll give him a thumbs up from the car (I'm sure he can't see me) and whisper to myself "Give 'er". This man, unknown to me, is a blessing. He can distract me from the morning annoyances and get me thinking that when I'm older I hope I'm as determined as that. When my joints ache - I'm sure not as bad as his - and when I lack determination, I think of him. So needless to say, yesterday - I bounced back and my morning problems faded away with every little shuffle of this man. I remembered to "not sweat the small stuff" and be thankful for everything I am.
To the unknown older man that walks every morning on Malpeque Rd - You're awesome, GIVE 'ER!
Saturday, July 10, 2010
The Phantom Adventure

This time next week Mike will be heading home from a 36hour Adventure Race in Northern New Brunswick called "Race the Phantom". This is his first time trying something of this nature and to be honest, I'm so excited for him and stand just a little taller knowing that he's my man.
This adventure consists of the unknown. Not for the directionally challenged teams will go where normal people would not dare. Treking through water, woods and back roads (trek, bike, kayak) - who knows, the 20 teams may end up in YOUR backyard. Well, not likely unless you live in NB or Quebec. Dressed in fast drying clothing, headlamps, back packs, mosquito nets - these men and women will be prepared to be self sufficient for up to 20hours. Nuts and berrys, energy gels and water will be their nourishment for hours. Sleep - not likely. This race will command the mentally tough to dig deep and demolish the weak.
Navigation will play a key role in completing this race. As there will be time markers for 3 legs, if a team gets lost they will be disqualified and well.....lost.... I hope that Mike's team is observant on their trek and stay focused on the sun as when Mike and I were in Philidelphia we walked in circles trying to find the IHOP. Our daily dialogue consistent of a lot of "I'm sure it's down this way"...."No, wait - I'm sure it's this way.."...."I remember this..."
Needless to say, navigation is not one of our strong points.
As I have dubbed myself Mike's manager, I created a comprehensive list of things to bring to the race. The list came in handy today as we headed out to get supplies, we referred to it.....well I guess we didn't BUT it was good to know that we had it:) As his manager, I have assigned myself duties of:
- creatively going around the house and putting things in a pile that I think may come in handy in the deep woods. A mesh bag - who knows, maybe use it as a fishing net. Empty plastic containers - who knows, maybe need to carry extra 'stuff'. Some may call me MacGyver - other's may say resourceful.
- asking him minute by minute "are you excited?", "how do you feel?", "do you have all of your gear?"....
- telling everyone that he's going on an adventure race
Not to overwhelm myself with my first managerial position, I've decided that's all of my duties. Wouldn't want to discourage myself.
I will not be attending the race. I will instead be tracking his progress online (they will have GPS trackers) and cheering from the comforts of work/home. As I have not participated myself in an adventure of this kind, you may say that I am the Phantom Adventure Writer - I hope to some day try this as it looks very exciting!
Fitness Update
I am officially a runner. I have ran 9.2kms and again on Tuesday (70% humidex, 'feels like 35degrees') I ran another 9.2kms. I felt fantastic (aside from the inner thigh chaffing - ouch!) and would have been able to do more.
Official Announcement: I have decided to go for the PEI 1/2 Marathon in October. I feel like I can achieve it so, why not?
14 weeks till the big day!
Flirting with the 30's

T -31 and I'll be.......30
This is my last official month of my 20's - yay me! I love getting older (aside from the fact that I'm 1 step closer to my expiration date) I feel I get better with a fine wine. As I reflect on my last 29 years (picture me sipping a red wine, eating cheese cubes and adjusting my glasses), I am proud of all of my experinces, mistakes and relationships that I've had. What an awesome 29 years it's been!
I'm glad however, to be stepping out of the 20's as the majority of this time I was unsure of myself, unsettled, trying to find 'the one' and struggling to balance the demands of work/family/friends/play. I felt pulled in all directions and didn't know bottom from up. I was unhealthy, stressed (always had joint pain and tension head aches) and anxious. Sounds like fun eh? It was.
So here's a toast my 20's as during this time I:
- quit smoking
- moved into my own apartment
- found my career
- found my husband to be
- learned how to be happy
Cheers to you 20's!
Mike and I have a camping trip to Nova Scotia planned for my 30th birthday/2 year anniversary of us dating. I am looking forward to entering my 30's kayaking, biking, hiking, roasting marshmellows, going to sleep breathing in the damp air, turning off my blackberry for 4 days (well, we'll see...) and enjoying 'nature'. To me, this is the perfect celebration and foreshadowing of my life to come - calm, natural, active, and healthy.
Fast Forward to this date in 2020.
I would like to toast my 30's as during this time I:
- got married
- had a child (ren)
- bought a house
- ran a marathon/triatholon
- travelled overseas
Who know's what the future holds? But I have a feeling it's going to be bright:)
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
Humidity and Me

During days of 84+ humidity in the air, I will be irritable, low energy, occasionally whiny, erratic decision making and sticky/sweaty.
These past few days I've enjoyed good food, company, Cirque du Soleil performance, coaching, Rock Band, and QT with the man. However there's been something that's been at the back of my mind and like nails on a chalk board I've noticed it's presence and that's the HUMIDITY!
Here's the thing - I don't know when to shower these days because I only have a few 'fresh' minutes before my clothes stick to me, I have a glossy sheen on my face (who would have known I did my makeup 5mins earlier) and my hair has enough frizz in it to knock someone over. The HUMIDITY in the air to me is the presence of someone else - you're out with your man - you have HUMIDITY with you. You are having a nice relaxing get together with family/friends - you might as well introduce it as it's going to be there. You are at the beach, laying out - where you feel you can escape it - no, it's still there AND the sand now wants to join by sticking to all nooks and cranny's you have (no, you didn't go in the water - that's just my good friend HUMIDITY). Not to mention for the people out there who have breathing issues, joint problems etc, HUMIDITY, I'm sure is there to challenge you - How much can you really take?..... Tap, Tap - I'm out you got me this time HUMIDITY.
I'm sure you can imagine how the running and exercising in the humidity has been....drenched in the warm up only makes for a hard to see run (as sweat is pouring off my top brow, into my eyes). Heavy chest for extra hard breathing and moments of sunlight where the 2 combined are enough to knock you over. Oh the joys!
Last year, during the humid times - my best friend gave Mike and I the best gift of life - an AIR CONDITIONER. This is the only thing that has kept me somewhat sane during these 'tough times'. Last year, I couldn't move in my house without sweating, so - I didn't. Now, I get to meet my good 'ol friend HUMIDITY when I feel like it. Step outside - Hello HUMIDITY, nice to see you again......
Thursday, July 1, 2010
Carpe Diem!

Today I woke up and after breakfast I had the idea to run from my house to my parents on Brighton Rd. Why? Don't know - just something about today made me think that I could. Maybe because it was Canada Day (probably not), Maybe because I needed the challenge (probably not), Maybe it was the barometric pressure (possibly)....Whatever it was, I thought that I would "Seize the Day" and Just Do it! Surprisingly I didn't worry about it at work today, just laughed with my coworkers and enjoyed the success of our newest dispatcher. I had a piece of cake with my lunch and thought " I may pay for this later", I was then awarded a Dilly Bar and thought - "I will definitely pay for this...." and then decided to 'ease off' the sugary snacks and get down to pre run business - an occasional stretch, 2 bottles of water and positive thinking.
I got off work, excited for the possibility of "freaking my freak" and achieving something I've only dreamt about. (Remember: the farthest I've ran is 5kms to date (without stopping) AND have only been running straight for the last week.... ). If I was to achieve this goal it would be substantially longer and something that my inner voice has always tried to convince me that I can't. I suited up in my lulu tights (for good luck), borrowed Mike's running belt (to look the part and hold my house keys) and headed out.....
I didn't leave the house with NO baggage. I had:
- no music
- no partner
- no supper and sugary snacks throughout the day
- an uncertain inner voice
BUT I had a 'feeling' that this may be my day.........
I set out for the 9.2kms and within 10 mins into the run, I was panting hard and doubting this idea. At one point (as I was approaching Winsloe soccer field) I thought "I might as well turn around" and "Why the F**K am I doing this!" - this passed as I was approaching the Bell heights subdivision and I started daydreaming.... I hit a rough spot going up the incline of North River Road but at no point did I think that I was going to stop. As I got to Queen Charlotte School I was certain that I would achieve my goal. Brighton Road was rocky only because I started getting emotional and was getting choked up and by my parents driveway I threw my hands in the air victorious wishing there was someone there at the finish line to celebrate with. Moments later my wonderful, supportive fiance pulled up anxious to hear the result - did I walk? Was I going to be upset and disappointed? Not likely!!!
I now know that I can do it and proved that the uncertain inner voice was wrong.
Saturday, June 26, 2010
Ms and Mrs Gee
Hi, my name is Stephanie Gee and I'm proud to say I'm like my mother.
I dance like my mom.
I love to laugh.
I love to organize.
I am a hard worker.
I care about people and strive to make them happy.
I am passionate.
I love to watch mindless, romantic movies.
I love to be active.
As I get older I notice our similarities more and more and I'm glad.
Happy Birthday (June 30th) Mom!
I dance like my mom.
I love to laugh.
I love to organize.
I am a hard worker.
I care about people and strive to make them happy.
I am passionate.
I love to watch mindless, romantic movies.
I love to be active.
As I get older I notice our similarities more and more and I'm glad.
Happy Birthday (June 30th) Mom!
Do You Believe..... In Training?

I believe that accomplishing a goal is always mind over matter.
This past week Becs and I graduated to straight running. I purposely decided not to write a post until I did 2 runs in a row and made it out ok. It's always a mind game for me. As I'm getting ready to do my straight running I'm thinking of the burn in my lungs, cramps in my legs and thinking "will I have the will power to make it through...". I should not let my mind get to me but I worry about all the unknowns and what ifs. What if it's windy and I can't make it through. What if I didn't eat enough/ate too much before I ran. What if I just don't have it. As all of these things have been running through my head this week, ironically my sister was looking for advice and I told her to not "worry about the what if's"....
Maybe I should practice what I preach.
So, of course I made it through both runs beautifully and frankly could have kept running when I stopped. I felt like a runner, looked like a runner (yes, I have short running shorts - sexy), talked like a runner (talked about 'settling in', stiches, pacing, etc) and even gave a thumbs up to another runner as I was passing them panting. I should have believed in my preparations by building myself up to straight running. I should have believed in myself and my training.
So I've had an awesome training week and accomplished some goals. So why doesn't it feel as good as I'd like.....? I've biked, swam 2x, ran 2x but none of it's worth it to me if I can't switch my mindset. You know, celebrate the small accomplishments. Relish in the fact that I'm out at 615am swimming or even running at all. Celebrate the lifestyle changes I've made and my health. Celebrate my happiness. Not wait to see if I succeed....Believe in training.
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