So, on Tuesday a nice lady hit me from behind as I was driving home. Immediately I felt a pain in the back of my scull. My initial thoughts were - "Well, isn't this just great" and then "If I can't run I'll be pissed!".... I got out of my car to see if the lady was ok and she politely ignored me. Not sure why, just think she was afraid that I'd "freak out" at the fact that she wasn't paying attention. I was lucky as Mike was home to offer support in my time of shock. As I was walking around aimlessly (shock) he was reigning me back in. Bottom line - moderate damage to the back of my car, unknown injury to my neck/shoulder/back. As I waited for the Doc at emerg, lots of things were running through my head from the extent of the injuries to how long I'd be waiting. So my very first hospital visit went like this
"Hi Doctor"
"Hi Stephanie"..."So you got in a little accident eh?"
"Yes Doc, A lady hit me from behind" - then I retold my accident story
"Does it hurt when I press here" - pressing up and down my spine
"It hurts everywhere Doctor"
"What about this" - pokes my muscles
"Yes Doctor"
"Well, Stephanie - what you're telling me is normal - Oh thank God, I thought (I know dramatic) "Basically, you'll be sore for a week so you need to heat, heat, heat, ice, ice, ice and keep moving. You should rest for the rest of the day as you'll feel off" - True story, I did.
"That's great Doctor, Thanks!"
And that's it. I was in and out lickety split and felt on top of the world. Don't know why I was so worried...Well, I guess some of the worry comes from seeing people in accidents daily (used to work at Physio Clinics) suffering with chronic head aches and pain. Not Fun!
Three days later and I'm feeling great. Barely any pain and spirits are high. I'm so grateful for having such a positive experience from one of the 'pain in the butt' experiences. I can still drive my car, deemed 100% NOT at fault, not injured...life is good.
Fitness Log:
Tuesday - 5km run - 28:49
Friday - 4km run - 22:39
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