Some days, I wake up on the 'wrong side of the bed'. Groggy, pouty and quiet, I crave the feeling of the bed and the comfort of the cozy covers. Damp days - like we've had for the last few - make my joints ache and I feel heavy. Yesterday was one of those days - switching from night shifts/day shifts (working OT yesterday) my body was saying no when the demands of work were saying yes.... I drove through the drive through - annoyed at where my coffee money was (God forbid, I had to dig it out of my pocket and THEN figure out a place to put the remainder....yes...my car is a mess). I then cursed my lovely car for the unknown rattle/clunk that's under my feet. Chitty, Chitty, Bang, Bang doesn't even describe it.
I do consider myself a happy-go-lucky person but today was an exception to the rule. As I was driving to work, listening to the same CD I do everyday and thinking, "man I'm sick of this CD...." I was getting annoyed at myself for being annoyed...double annoyed = a bad start to my day. As I'm driving past the old folks home on Malpeque Rd, I see the little old man - hunched over, carefully watching the ground for unexpected obstacles, walking at a brisk pace to the edge of the parking lot and back to the building over and over. I usually see him on my way to work or my way home and he can always bring a smile to my face. Most days, I'll give him a thumbs up from the car (I'm sure he can't see me) and whisper to myself "Give 'er". This man, unknown to me, is a blessing. He can distract me from the morning annoyances and get me thinking that when I'm older I hope I'm as determined as that. When my joints ache - I'm sure not as bad as his - and when I lack determination, I think of him. So needless to say, yesterday - I bounced back and my morning problems faded away with every little shuffle of this man. I remembered to "not sweat the small stuff" and be thankful for everything I am.
To the unknown older man that walks every morning on Malpeque Rd - You're awesome, GIVE 'ER!
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