3.5 days left until the big Race!
I've been on a rollercoaster of emotions for the past week. Excited, nervous, sad, anxious, and undecided emotions. It's an emotional time for me as I never thought I would be 3.5 days away from running a 1/2 marathon. Last year, I struggled to get through a 5km race and 2 years ago my favorite saying was "the only time you see me run is if someone's chasing me".
So, here I am. Almost at the point of achieving something that was never on my life list as I would have thought it was completely out of my reach.
I believe that when I cross the finish line on Sunday, I will be forever changed. I will then know that "I can do anything". This week, I've had some mentally trying times with my runs. I was feeling like I didn't want to go out and train, I was feeling a sense of 'blahness' - no emotion or 'down in the dumps'. I ran on Sunday and was supposed to do 9km but QUIT at 6km. Why? Cause it felt too hard...I gave up.
The next day, I was supposed to try again to achieve 9k's and made excuses for myself not to do it. Then on Tuesday with Mike nagging me to get out and run. I went.
I got to the 6km mental block and was feeling like a million bucks. So I kept going. I finished the 9km in my fastest time ever and felt amazing. It is HARD going out by yourself and sticking to 'the plan' but yesterday I knew that I needed to finish it for myself.
The next time I run will be on Sunday with 1600 other people. I'm scared about achieving this goal as then I've set a standard for myself. Then, I have no excuse - I can do anything....GULP!
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