Tuesday, December 7, 2010

A Bengay Kind of Day

6:00am this morning my alarm clock rings...  I roll over, put my feet on the floor and attempt to stand up and it hits - 8 hours of nonmovement = seized muscles and critched back.  I stand at a 45degree angle and hope that I will be able to loosen up and make it to class without completely embarassing myself. 

As I walk in the gym I am greeted by fellow intro CrossFitters.  Each one with a slight smile on their face, in the upright position and looking spry.  Isn't anyone feeling like me?  I thought.  One crossfitter says "Sore, Stephanie?"  Is it THAT obvious?  "Yes" I reply thinking "Aren't you....?"

We begin class reviewing the air squat.  It was then when everyone in the class started grimicing as they start.  The ooohhhs and aaaaahhhhs sound and I then know - I'm not the only sore one...Thank God!

Our Workout for today was:
5 Burpees
10 Walking Lunges
5 Pull Ups (could do with band assist)

As we had a large group we split the class into 2 groups.  As I watched Group 1, which included Alyson, I felt their pain.   As the CrossFitters got to Round 3 - the breathing got heavier and heavier.

It was then my turn.

I started out with a bang - trying to 'pace' myself, the first set came quite easily.  I felt great.  As I hit round 2 I realized - I have 3 more rounds to do.  The feeling of burning lungs came back - Instructor yelling - "Hands off knees" (in walking lunges - OOPS!) and a wave of nausea comes over me.  At the 5min mark, I was barely lifting myself up in the pull ups, and by 6mins people were packing up and heading out.  As Mike was in my group (did the workout in 3:04), he was there with a couple of friends cheering me on.

I get to the last 2 pull ups and really thought - I am not getting through this.  I was getting distracted by the 2 lead sticks (otherwise known as arms) that I was trying to lift myself up with.  In the last 10secs I got a slight burst - well maybe just a bur.. - of energy and finished the last 2.  6:48 and I was done.

The rest of the day went well.  In the seated position I was pain-free and energetic.  Standing, squatting, walking, stairs, lifting arms - are all a challenge.   It was definitely a Bengay Kind of Day.

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