NOTE: Not me in the picture :)
So I decided to cut my hair off and unbeknownst to me color it MUCH lighter. This was a result of getting tired of wearing it up ALL the time. Recently, I was thinking that since my last cut I hadn't worn it down once.....Wait, I just lied - I wore it down for 2 mins in my pole dancing class. Can't believe I forgot about that..:) I was super pumped to go to my hair dresser with a picture, finally - a vision for my limp, thin coiff. I proudly displayed the picture, she commented on how beautiful it was, asked me if I was getting colored and then the 2 hours of transforming began. We had mad chats and on the hot day (Tuesday), I enjoyed being in an air conditioned salon. It was then time for the rinse, toner, cut, blow dry, flat iron and voila! Blonde, butterscotch (her words) and other unknown colors stared back at me. WOW! She took the picture to heart (almost exactly what I brought in - including color). I was shocked but also pleasantly surprised. A new hair cut to go with the "new" me (as my Mom and sister refer to me).
I left the hair studio with an extra bounce in my step. Unsure if I was sold on the color, I was pleased that it was different. In the spirit of this blog - I saw it, tried it, and am still getting used to it. I find myself running my fingers through it, checking myself in the mirror to 'see' if it's still light and trying to come up with different ways to wear it. So far - I have 2 options. I feel like I've had this hair cut for years and that's how I know it was meant to be.
Fitness Log:
Yesterday - 3km run - shaved 6mins off our time (14:40mins - felt like I was faster than the wind)
Today - 3km run - torturous - leg cramp, heavy breathing and a defeatist attitude. Needless to say, didn't go so well.
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