During days of 84+ humidity in the air, I will be irritable, low energy, occasionally whiny, erratic decision making and sticky/sweaty.
These past few days I've enjoyed good food, company, Cirque du Soleil performance, coaching, Rock Band, and QT with the man. However there's been something that's been at the back of my mind and like nails on a chalk board I've noticed it's presence and that's the HUMIDITY!
Here's the thing - I don't know when to shower these days because I only have a few 'fresh' minutes before my clothes stick to me, I have a glossy sheen on my face (who would have known I did my makeup 5mins earlier) and my hair has enough frizz in it to knock someone over. The HUMIDITY in the air to me is the presence of someone else - you're out with your man - you have HUMIDITY with you. You are having a nice relaxing get together with family/friends - you might as well introduce it as it's going to be there. You are at the beach, laying out - where you feel you can escape it - no, it's still there AND the sand now wants to join by sticking to all nooks and cranny's you have (no, you didn't go in the water - that's just my good friend HUMIDITY). Not to mention for the people out there who have breathing issues, joint problems etc, HUMIDITY, I'm sure is there to challenge you - How much can you really take?..... Tap, Tap - I'm out you got me this time HUMIDITY.
I'm sure you can imagine how the running and exercising in the humidity has been....drenched in the warm up only makes for a hard to see run (as sweat is pouring off my top brow, into my eyes). Heavy chest for extra hard breathing and moments of sunlight where the 2 combined are enough to knock you over. Oh the joys!
Last year, during the humid times - my best friend gave Mike and I the best gift of life - an AIR CONDITIONER. This is the only thing that has kept me somewhat sane during these 'tough times'. Last year, I couldn't move in my house without sweating, so - I didn't. Now, I get to meet my good 'ol friend HUMIDITY when I feel like it. Step outside - Hello HUMIDITY, nice to see you again......
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