Thursday, September 9, 2010


Lately my day timer is busting at the seams. With each day full of chicken scratchings - random names, reminder's, notes to self, appointments and meetings, I have to be very careful that I keep Balance in my life. Mike and I leave eachother notes on our whiteboard in the kitchen daily. Just to say "I'm thinking of you", this morning's note went a little something like this:
"Don't live here anymore (referencing me not being home for supper in a week), Don't sleep in the same bed (referencing me falling asleep on the couch watching an online show, waking up at 4am - stiff, sore and tired)... You get the note drift.


I always say to him that "Don't worry, it will slow down next week" OR "I HAVE to do this stuff". When in all reality, it won't slow down and I don't have to do this 'stuff'. Bottom Line: The busier I am, the more I do.

Having Balance in my life is something I've been striving for, whole life. I tend to submerse myself in things and forget to nurture my relationship, friendships, and self. So for Mike's 35th birthday next week, I am going to give him the gift of "me". Me focused when he's talking to me, Me living in the moment and Me rested, nourished (haven't had a good supper in a week - wonder why?) and healthy.

This weekend I've decided I'm going to take some time to myself. It could be the last weekend for a while that I get some down time. I plan on not making plans. I intend to relax, sleep, watch TV, Run, Hot Yoga, Swim and organize myself. Not too exciting but needed.

1 comment:

  1. Steph,
    Great blog. We all strive to maintain balence but it is hard to do!!! We always find something "we must do" Enjoy your weekend and relax!!!
    Love You
