Thursday, May 19, 2011

Good Morning Lungs!

6:00am this morning, I was reunited with my lungs.  It's been a while since I felt the burn, gasp and vomity feeling.  As it was our first nice morning in a while (Thank God!), the CrossFit instructor decided to get us outside and wake up our lungs.

400m run
10,8,6,4,2 - Front Squat (55lbs) and Burpees
400m run

The 1st 400m, I was happy to be back out on the pavement - going at a faster pace than I usually would (as I usually 'jog') I could feel the lungs wake up.  By the time I got in to the gym to start the workout I knew I was in for a 'gasper'.  Front squats were my rest period - burpees were slower than usual.  As I headed out for the last 400m run, I couldn't feel my legs -jello they were - I was panting before I even started.  By 200m I had the "I'm going to puke" feeling.  Let's just say, the lungs were awake!  It took me about 5mins to recover and when I arrived home my face was still bright red.

Gotta love the 6am lung wake up calls!

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