Friday, July 23, 2010

What a pain! In the neck....

So, on Tuesday a nice lady hit me from behind as I was driving home. Immediately I felt a pain in the back of my scull. My initial thoughts were - "Well, isn't this just great" and then "If I can't run I'll be pissed!".... I got out of my car to see if the lady was ok and she politely ignored me. Not sure why, just think she was afraid that I'd "freak out" at the fact that she wasn't paying attention. I was lucky as Mike was home to offer support in my time of shock. As I was walking around aimlessly (shock) he was reigning me back in. Bottom line - moderate damage to the back of my car, unknown injury to my neck/shoulder/back. As I waited for the Doc at emerg, lots of things were running through my head from the extent of the injuries to how long I'd be waiting. So my very first hospital visit went like this

"Hi Doctor"
"Hi Stephanie"..."So you got in a little accident eh?"
"Yes Doc, A lady hit me from behind" - then I retold my accident story
"Does it hurt when I press here" - pressing up and down my spine
"It hurts everywhere Doctor"
"What about this" - pokes my muscles
"Yes Doctor"
"Well, Stephanie - what you're telling me is normal - Oh thank God, I thought (I know dramatic) "Basically, you'll be sore for a week so you need to heat, heat, heat, ice, ice, ice and keep moving. You should rest for the rest of the day as you'll feel off" - True story, I did.
"That's great Doctor, Thanks!"

And that's it. I was in and out lickety split and felt on top of the world. Don't know why I was so worried...Well, I guess some of the worry comes from seeing people in accidents daily (used to work at Physio Clinics) suffering with chronic head aches and pain. Not Fun!

Three days later and I'm feeling great. Barely any pain and spirits are high. I'm so grateful for having such a positive experience from one of the 'pain in the butt' experiences. I can still drive my car, deemed 100% NOT at fault, not is good.

Fitness Log:
Tuesday - 5km run - 28:49
Friday - 4km run - 22:39

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Capabilities, Comments and Cows

Picture this......

50 hours of no sleep, 36hours and 14mins of trekking, kayaking, biking while branches, mud, bogs and bugs standing in your way. This people, would be called an Adventure Race......

Mike just completed his first Adventure Race this past weekend. At 12:37pm on Sunday, I received a text:

"What an experience. Never f*****g again." Went that good eh? I was thinking.....

After the initial sleep deprivation, hunger, dirtiness (was wet for 36 hours) had subsided, the sense of accomplishment set in. He retold the 36 hours of racing and went through the highs and lows. My question to him was..."What did you learn about yourself". His response - "That I'm capable of anything". Who would of thought that people are able to push themselves to such limits and still have room for more. Certainly not me or him. I don't know what I expected him to say about the race in the end. Thinking that he would hit peaks and valleys emotionally - maybe get discouraged...I'm not sure. He did say at no point did he think he needed to stop or wanted to. Wow, amazing!

We then determined that Adventure Racing is like child birth. Never want to do it again as you're going through it. Not so bad when you're done and the time passes...

Congratulations Team Ham n Eggers!!

While Mike was in the deep woods in NB pushing himself to the limit...I was having an enlightening discussion about Cows with a coworker. As she was discussing farming, I was thinking about Cows. Do cows have personalities? Can then respond to a name - like, could I call a Cow Connie and would she come? Are cows smart? Things that I've never really thought about.
My coworker let me in on a little secret about cows - they're slightly intellectually challenged. It takes them a while to catch on to simple commands and are creatures of habit. Betcha you're glad I filled you in on this secret - now everyone can sleep better tonight.

As I'm working towards my goal of achieving the 1/2 Marathon in October, I haven't ran since my last bad run. Not because I have been discouraged (well maybe a little) but more so that I've just been busy. I am running tomorrow morning and then again Friday. Looking forward to it as my body has punished me for my mini break....Lower back, hips and knees have been killing me. The more active I am, the better I feel. Ok body - I GET IT! While Mike was away I was looking for inspiration and so who better to turn to - my positive self. I was rereading older blog posts and noticed some comments that I hadn't looked at from friends encouraging me or congratulating my on achieving a good run, etc. Thank you friends! It was just what I needed:)

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

The "New" Stephanie

NOTE: Not me in the picture :)

So I decided to cut my hair off and unbeknownst to me color it MUCH lighter. This was a result of getting tired of wearing it up ALL the time. Recently, I was thinking that since my last cut I hadn't worn it down once.....Wait, I just lied - I wore it down for 2 mins in my pole dancing class. Can't believe I forgot about that..:) I was super pumped to go to my hair dresser with a picture, finally - a vision for my limp, thin coiff. I proudly displayed the picture, she commented on how beautiful it was, asked me if I was getting colored and then the 2 hours of transforming began. We had mad chats and on the hot day (Tuesday), I enjoyed being in an air conditioned salon. It was then time for the rinse, toner, cut, blow dry, flat iron and voila! Blonde, butterscotch (her words) and other unknown colors stared back at me. WOW! She took the picture to heart (almost exactly what I brought in - including color). I was shocked but also pleasantly surprised. A new hair cut to go with the "new" me (as my Mom and sister refer to me).
I left the hair studio with an extra bounce in my step. Unsure if I was sold on the color, I was pleased that it was different. In the spirit of this blog - I saw it, tried it, and am still getting used to it. I find myself running my fingers through it, checking myself in the mirror to 'see' if it's still light and trying to come up with different ways to wear it. So far - I have 2 options. I feel like I've had this hair cut for years and that's how I know it was meant to be.

Fitness Log:

Yesterday - 3km run - shaved 6mins off our time (14:40mins - felt like I was faster than the wind)
Today - 3km run - torturous - leg cramp, heavy breathing and a defeatist attitude. Needless to say, didn't go so well.

Monday, July 12, 2010

Inspiring the Inspired

Some days, I wake up on the 'wrong side of the bed'. Groggy, pouty and quiet, I crave the feeling of the bed and the comfort of the cozy covers. Damp days - like we've had for the last few - make my joints ache and I feel heavy. Yesterday was one of those days - switching from night shifts/day shifts (working OT yesterday) my body was saying no when the demands of work were saying yes.... I drove through the drive through - annoyed at where my coffee money was (God forbid, I had to dig it out of my pocket and THEN figure out a place to put the car is a mess). I then cursed my lovely car for the unknown rattle/clunk that's under my feet. Chitty, Chitty, Bang, Bang doesn't even describe it.
I do consider myself a happy-go-lucky person but today was an exception to the rule. As I was driving to work, listening to the same CD I do everyday and thinking, "man I'm sick of this CD...." I was getting annoyed at myself for being annoyed...double annoyed = a bad start to my day. As I'm driving past the old folks home on Malpeque Rd, I see the little old man - hunched over, carefully watching the ground for unexpected obstacles, walking at a brisk pace to the edge of the parking lot and back to the building over and over. I usually see him on my way to work or my way home and he can always bring a smile to my face. Most days, I'll give him a thumbs up from the car (I'm sure he can't see me) and whisper to myself "Give 'er". This man, unknown to me, is a blessing. He can distract me from the morning annoyances and get me thinking that when I'm older I hope I'm as determined as that. When my joints ache - I'm sure not as bad as his - and when I lack determination, I think of him. So needless to say, yesterday - I bounced back and my morning problems faded away with every little shuffle of this man. I remembered to "not sweat the small stuff" and be thankful for everything I am.

To the unknown older man that walks every morning on Malpeque Rd - You're awesome, GIVE 'ER!

Saturday, July 10, 2010

The Phantom Adventure

This time next week Mike will be heading home from a 36hour Adventure Race in Northern New Brunswick called "Race the Phantom". This is his first time trying something of this nature and to be honest, I'm so excited for him and stand just a little taller knowing that he's my man.
This adventure consists of the unknown. Not for the directionally challenged teams will go where normal people would not dare. Treking through water, woods and back roads (trek, bike, kayak) - who knows, the 20 teams may end up in YOUR backyard. Well, not likely unless you live in NB or Quebec. Dressed in fast drying clothing, headlamps, back packs, mosquito nets - these men and women will be prepared to be self sufficient for up to 20hours. Nuts and berrys, energy gels and water will be their nourishment for hours. Sleep - not likely. This race will command the mentally tough to dig deep and demolish the weak.
Navigation will play a key role in completing this race. As there will be time markers for 3 legs, if a team gets lost they will be disqualified and well.....lost.... I hope that Mike's team is observant on their trek and stay focused on the sun as when Mike and I were in Philidelphia we walked in circles trying to find the IHOP. Our daily dialogue consistent of a lot of "I'm sure it's down this way"...."No, wait - I'm sure it's this way.."...."I remember this..."
Needless to say, navigation is not one of our strong points.
As I have dubbed myself Mike's manager, I created a comprehensive list of things to bring to the race. The list came in handy today as we headed out to get supplies, we referred to it.....well I guess we didn't BUT it was good to know that we had it:) As his manager, I have assigned myself duties of:
- creatively going around the house and putting things in a pile that I think may come in handy in the deep woods. A mesh bag - who knows, maybe use it as a fishing net. Empty plastic containers - who knows, maybe need to carry extra 'stuff'. Some may call me MacGyver - other's may say resourceful.
- asking him minute by minute "are you excited?", "how do you feel?", "do you have all of your gear?"....
- telling everyone that he's going on an adventure race
Not to overwhelm myself with my first managerial position, I've decided that's all of my duties. Wouldn't want to discourage myself.
I will not be attending the race. I will instead be tracking his progress online (they will have GPS trackers) and cheering from the comforts of work/home. As I have not participated myself in an adventure of this kind, you may say that I am the Phantom Adventure Writer - I hope to some day try this as it looks very exciting!

Fitness Update
I am officially a runner. I have ran 9.2kms and again on Tuesday (70% humidex, 'feels like 35degrees') I ran another 9.2kms. I felt fantastic (aside from the inner thigh chaffing - ouch!) and would have been able to do more.

Official Announcement: I have decided to go for the PEI 1/2 Marathon in October. I feel like I can achieve it so, why not?
14 weeks till the big day!

Flirting with the 30's

T -31 and I'll be.......30

This is my last official month of my 20's - yay me! I love getting older (aside from the fact that I'm 1 step closer to my expiration date) I feel I get better with a fine wine. As I reflect on my last 29 years (picture me sipping a red wine, eating cheese cubes and adjusting my glasses), I am proud of all of my experinces, mistakes and relationships that I've had. What an awesome 29 years it's been!

I'm glad however, to be stepping out of the 20's as the majority of this time I was unsure of myself, unsettled, trying to find 'the one' and struggling to balance the demands of work/family/friends/play. I felt pulled in all directions and didn't know bottom from up. I was unhealthy, stressed (always had joint pain and tension head aches) and anxious. Sounds like fun eh? It was.

So here's a toast my 20's as during this time I:
- quit smoking
- moved into my own apartment
- found my career
- found my husband to be
- learned how to be happy

Cheers to you 20's!

Mike and I have a camping trip to Nova Scotia planned for my 30th birthday/2 year anniversary of us dating. I am looking forward to entering my 30's kayaking, biking, hiking, roasting marshmellows, going to sleep breathing in the damp air, turning off my blackberry for 4 days (well, we'll see...) and enjoying 'nature'. To me, this is the perfect celebration and foreshadowing of my life to come - calm, natural, active, and healthy.

Fast Forward to this date in 2020.

I would like to toast my 30's as during this time I:

- got married
- had a child (ren)
- bought a house
- ran a marathon/triatholon
- travelled overseas

Who know's what the future holds? But I have a feeling it's going to be bright:)

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Humidity and Me

During days of 84+ humidity in the air, I will be irritable, low energy, occasionally whiny, erratic decision making and sticky/sweaty.

These past few days I've enjoyed good food, company, Cirque du Soleil performance, coaching, Rock Band, and QT with the man. However there's been something that's been at the back of my mind and like nails on a chalk board I've noticed it's presence and that's the HUMIDITY!
Here's the thing - I don't know when to shower these days because I only have a few 'fresh' minutes before my clothes stick to me, I have a glossy sheen on my face (who would have known I did my makeup 5mins earlier) and my hair has enough frizz in it to knock someone over. The HUMIDITY in the air to me is the presence of someone else - you're out with your man - you have HUMIDITY with you. You are having a nice relaxing get together with family/friends - you might as well introduce it as it's going to be there. You are at the beach, laying out - where you feel you can escape it - no, it's still there AND the sand now wants to join by sticking to all nooks and cranny's you have (no, you didn't go in the water - that's just my good friend HUMIDITY). Not to mention for the people out there who have breathing issues, joint problems etc, HUMIDITY, I'm sure is there to challenge you - How much can you really take?..... Tap, Tap - I'm out you got me this time HUMIDITY.

I'm sure you can imagine how the running and exercising in the humidity has been....drenched in the warm up only makes for a hard to see run (as sweat is pouring off my top brow, into my eyes). Heavy chest for extra hard breathing and moments of sunlight where the 2 combined are enough to knock you over. Oh the joys!

Last year, during the humid times - my best friend gave Mike and I the best gift of life - an AIR CONDITIONER. This is the only thing that has kept me somewhat sane during these 'tough times'. Last year, I couldn't move in my house without sweating, so - I didn't. Now, I get to meet my good 'ol friend HUMIDITY when I feel like it. Step outside - Hello HUMIDITY, nice to see you again......

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Carpe Diem!

Today I woke up and after breakfast I had the idea to run from my house to my parents on Brighton Rd. Why? Don't know - just something about today made me think that I could. Maybe because it was Canada Day (probably not), Maybe because I needed the challenge (probably not), Maybe it was the barometric pressure (possibly)....Whatever it was, I thought that I would "Seize the Day" and Just Do it! Surprisingly I didn't worry about it at work today, just laughed with my coworkers and enjoyed the success of our newest dispatcher. I had a piece of cake with my lunch and thought " I may pay for this later", I was then awarded a Dilly Bar and thought - "I will definitely pay for this...." and then decided to 'ease off' the sugary snacks and get down to pre run business - an occasional stretch, 2 bottles of water and positive thinking.

I got off work, excited for the possibility of "freaking my freak" and achieving something I've only dreamt about. (Remember: the farthest I've ran is 5kms to date (without stopping) AND have only been running straight for the last week.... ). If I was to achieve this goal it would be substantially longer and something that my inner voice has always tried to convince me that I can't. I suited up in my lulu tights (for good luck), borrowed Mike's running belt (to look the part and hold my house keys) and headed out.....

I didn't leave the house with NO baggage. I had:
- no music
- no partner
- no supper and sugary snacks throughout the day
- an uncertain inner voice

BUT I had a 'feeling' that this may be my day.........

I set out for the 9.2kms and within 10 mins into the run, I was panting hard and doubting this idea. At one point (as I was approaching Winsloe soccer field) I thought "I might as well turn around" and "Why the F**K am I doing this!" - this passed as I was approaching the Bell heights subdivision and I started daydreaming.... I hit a rough spot going up the incline of North River Road but at no point did I think that I was going to stop. As I got to Queen Charlotte School I was certain that I would achieve my goal. Brighton Road was rocky only because I started getting emotional and was getting choked up and by my parents driveway I threw my hands in the air victorious wishing there was someone there at the finish line to celebrate with. Moments later my wonderful, supportive fiance pulled up anxious to hear the result - did I walk? Was I going to be upset and disappointed? Not likely!!!

I now know that I can do it and proved that the uncertain inner voice was wrong.