I recently came across a fabulous site that I thought I'd pass along. It's called Active.com and has lots of fitness resources on it:
- Training Logs - FREE
- Pace Calculators
- Training guides
- Articles "Ways to reduce shin pain, etc"
- Route calculators - very cool and accurate - Mike has tested many routes
- Nutrition information
- Event details
- Pretty much information on every activity/sport
As I was surfing the page this evening, I came across the following article: "Are you ready to run"...What the hay - might as well check, if I'm ready!
Here are the questions and my answers, as of 12noon today....
1. Are you acclimatized—have you been in similar temperatures during the last two weeks? YES
2. Are you well rested (having gotten at least seven hours of sleep last night), and have you been in cooled/air-conditioned environments for some part of the last 24 hours? NO and Are you crazy?
3. Are you hydrated? (If you are hydrated, your urine will be pale yellow in color. If it is dark like apple juice, you're dehydrated.) DEHYDRATED (if I'm looking at urine..)
4. Are you healthy—no recent illnesses? HEALTHY
5. Are you well nourished? NO, 1 banana doesn't cut it for me
6. Have you avoided alcohol in the last 24 hours? YES, off the bottle
7. Are you taking medications with ephedrine or other prescription medicines that might interfere with your thermal regulation (information you can find in the literature that comes with the medication or get from a pharmacist)? NO
As the article says: If you answer "no" to any of questions 1 through 6 or "yes" to question 7, Dr. Roberts advises either exercising indoors or keeping your run very short and very easy.
Hmmmmm...well it's been a slice but maybe this running isn't for me. Ha - joking! What does active.com or the Doc know anyway???'
haha omg that is hilarious...By that quiz we both shouldnt be running!! But screw that were doing it anyways hahah love it