Yesterday was officially my first day of training for the 10km race in the PEI Marathon (October 2010). Yes - it is early to start to train but this body needs time to adjust and get used to the 'pounding' of the pavement. The nice weather has brought out the runner in me - even if the body feels tired, sore and unmotivated - a nice day can make me forget about it all.
For our 1st training session (Sister as my partner) we decided to start off slow and ease ourselves into the idea of running again. Here was our training plan:
- 5mins fast walk (warm up)
- 1 min run
- 2 mins walk x 5
- 10mins stretching and huffing/puffing
What I've learned in the past (as I'm not a natural runner) is to start off with an achievable run time. It helps your body get used to an elevated heart rate and helps your mind 'believe' that you can be a runner. It's also good to have a portion of the run on a 'busier' road so that you are motivated to keep going - wouldn't want people to see that you quit or are struggling. It's also good to have medium paced music (if you have pacing problems) as the fast stuff can get you going too fast and you'll burn yourself out quickly. And if you have a partner - pick someone that's relatively your speed.
Note: I THOUGHT Rebecca was my speed until she did a lap sprint at the end of our 5km race of 2009...That was unbelievable!
Today, the body felt good - I'm excited for this 'training' season and can't wait to get another participation medal at the Marathon. Who knows, you may even see me do the 1/2 Marathon race.
Fitness Log:
Today - 22mins of 'hardcore' biking!
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