Today is the beginning to achieving a goal for a special person to me (and I'm sure there's lots of people that are about to begin something as well today). It's hard when you're about to start a journey and you're not certain of the final destination. I can sympathize with feelings of doubt and fear as the first time I started running (for example) it was more of an ambush then a plan. Mike and I decided to go out for a walk on the trail on a beautiful afternoon. All of a sudden (as he looked at his watch) he said "ok - we're going to 'jog' for the next minute - let's go"....WHAT? - I thought - you've got to be joking! I did it, ONLY for the sheer fact that he was running and I didn't want to walk by myself.... What a way to start eh? After the first minute, I started thinking that it really wasn't THAT bad. I could think of worse things I could be going through.. This was the beginning day of my running journey and I've had lots of ups and downs since then. What hasn't changed is the length of 10kms or the hills that may be standing in my way. What can change for some is the goal - on the 'doubtful' days - the goal may waffle - "maybe I'll just do 5kms" or "maybe I'll try for 35 mins instead of 30. Setting a goal should be concrete, achievable, and challenging. There's nothing wrong with reassessing goals but set a date, time to do the assessing - NOT in a doubtful moment. Rebecca and I have set a reassessing date in July (this would be 14 weeks until the Marathon - and approx 2 months after we've started our conditioning training). to assess the following:
- Our progress, commitment to date
- Our body (aches/pains)
- Circumstances in our life's at this time (work, etc)
Then - we'll choose whether we'll move on to the 10km plan or the 1/2 marathon plan. One thing is for sure - we intend to run in this race!
So, if you're beginning a journey today - believe in the power of a mindset, intention. Good Luck!
Shout out to Lisa G. who is doing awesome on the treadmill! Keep it up!
Fitness Log:
Yesterday: 25mins run/walk (2.5mins run, 1min walk)
Today: 25 mins run/walk
Tomorrow: Pole dancing, run/walk
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