I recently came across a fabulous site that I thought I'd pass along. It's called Active.com and has lots of fitness resources on it:
- Training Logs - FREE
- Pace Calculators
- Training guides
- Articles "Ways to reduce shin pain, etc"
- Route calculators - very cool and accurate - Mike has tested many routes
- Nutrition information
- Event details
- Pretty much information on every activity/sport
As I was surfing the page this evening, I came across the following article: "Are you ready to run"...What the hay - might as well check, if I'm ready!
Here are the questions and my answers, as of 12noon today....
1. Are you acclimatized—have you been in similar temperatures during the last two weeks? YES
2. Are you well rested (having gotten at least seven hours of sleep last night), and have you been in cooled/air-conditioned environments for some part of the last 24 hours? NO and Are you crazy?
3. Are you hydrated? (If you are hydrated, your urine will be pale yellow in color. If it is dark like apple juice, you're dehydrated.) DEHYDRATED (if I'm looking at urine..)
4. Are you healthy—no recent illnesses? HEALTHY
5. Are you well nourished? NO, 1 banana doesn't cut it for me
6. Have you avoided alcohol in the last 24 hours? YES, off the bottle
7. Are you taking medications with ephedrine or other prescription medicines that might interfere with your thermal regulation (information you can find in the literature that comes with the medication or get from a pharmacist)? NO
As the article says: If you answer "no" to any of questions 1 through 6 or "yes" to question 7, Dr. Roberts advises either exercising indoors or keeping your run very short and very easy.
Hmmmmm...well it's been a slice but maybe this running isn't for me. Ha - joking! What does active.com or the Doc know anyway???'
Warning: This blog may talk about fitness, health and well-being. Readers discretion is advised.
Sunday, April 25, 2010

The last 2 training days have been challenging and rewarding. Perseverance was the theme for these days. As the Synchro Team is preparing for Nationals - the pool schedule has been demanding and busy. Caffeine and "digging deep" has been where I've been finding my energy. As I've been working power shifts (8pm-4am) and then getting up to coach/run (at 9am and 8am - Sat/Sun respectively), lack of sleep and muscle/joint soreness was trying to stand in my way. On Saturday, myself and future sister-in-law started her journey to the PEI Marathon 5km race in October. I love the feeling of starting a journey - anticipation, doubt and adrenaline all combined in one. We got through the run/walk and I must say - she did fabulous! Then, today - Bec and I continued with our training plan and ran a longer route (3mins run, 1min walk - 30mins). After 4 hours sleep, coaching 3 hours and hunger setting in - I was unsure if I was going to be able to complete the training for the day. Not to mention my sister's self inflicted illness - we were in a sad state of affairs. After a 5min focusing time (ie. sitting on the couch and complaining) we got up and headed outside. We established that we'd run on the residential streets - in case of an emergency "matapiko" (google swahili matapiko)and keep going under any circumstance - at one point, Becs had a severe stitch in her heart region that I was sure she was going to collapse. Note to stitch sufferers - count over and over to 10 - tried, tested and true!I'm sure you're wondering why we would torture ourselves? To me, persevering is a crutial part of the training process. If we don't run when we don't feel like it - we'd hardly run. It also makes the better times much sweeter:)
Friday, April 23, 2010
Naiads and the Nationals

This week (April 28-May 4th), the Charlottetown Naiads Synchro Team Tier 6/7 athletes will be participating in the Canadian Open Synchronized Swimming Championships here on PEI. The improvement in these athletes throughout this last season is amazing - as Tier 6/7 are the highest levels in synchro, these girls have earned their right to be competing at this meet. This year, I was consistently blown away with the work ethic of these athletes...There was never an issue with getting them to work hard - in fact, a lot of times I would need to tell the girls to take a break and stop working. I can honestly say that these girls are athletes. To me, an athlete is someone who dedicates (physically, mentally) themselves to a sport and lives a healthy lifestyle. Athletes are confident, fit, team players, focused and enthusiastic. The Charlottetown Naiad Tier 6/7 girls possess these qualities.
The mindset on PEI in Synchronized Swimming used to be that we are at a disadvantage because of numbers, facilities, equipment and money. Now, thanks to a dedicated group of volunteers, coaches and parents - we have excellent equipment, a top notch facility and increasing registration.
I would like to 'shout out' to all of the Naiad coaches as well - we have a hardworking group who devote countless hours to ensure that we improve and are on track. Thank You!
Check out all of the event details at www.synchro.ca
Good Luck girls! Proud to be a Naiad:)
Thursday, April 22, 2010
Swinging and Sweating

Tonight, I got a taste of how difficult fitness pole dancing can be. I'm not sure if it was unusually hot in the studio or if I was just working extra hard tonight but I was 'feeling' it. We did extra rocking cats and sexy push ups and I couldn't help but start sweating and feeling the burn. We reviewed all of Level 1 and did our fireman's twirl and backward spins on both hands and I must of been working hard as I had no time for carrying on - I had to get down to work! Now that I'll be a graduate of Level 1 next week and moving onto Level 2/3, I need to up the anty. So as my sister was dudding her spins - wasn't her night - I was practicing. I did so many sharp back arches and spins that I wasn't used to it. By the end of the class - I was exhausted! The instructor showed us moves from Level 2/3 and by the looks of it these Levels will be a challenge! Can't wait:)
For your viewing pleasure - Enjoy: http://www.youtube.ca/watch?v=bbD-r7Pe0tQ
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Goal Getters

Today is the beginning to achieving a goal for a special person to me (and I'm sure there's lots of people that are about to begin something as well today). It's hard when you're about to start a journey and you're not certain of the final destination. I can sympathize with feelings of doubt and fear as the first time I started running (for example) it was more of an ambush then a plan. Mike and I decided to go out for a walk on the trail on a beautiful afternoon. All of a sudden (as he looked at his watch) he said "ok - we're going to 'jog' for the next minute - let's go"....WHAT? - I thought - you've got to be joking! I did it, ONLY for the sheer fact that he was running and I didn't want to walk by myself.... What a way to start eh? After the first minute, I started thinking that it really wasn't THAT bad. I could think of worse things I could be going through.. This was the beginning day of my running journey and I've had lots of ups and downs since then. What hasn't changed is the length of 10kms or the hills that may be standing in my way. What can change for some is the goal - on the 'doubtful' days - the goal may waffle - "maybe I'll just do 5kms" or "maybe I'll try for 35 mins instead of 30. Setting a goal should be concrete, achievable, and challenging. There's nothing wrong with reassessing goals but set a date, time to do the assessing - NOT in a doubtful moment. Rebecca and I have set a reassessing date in July (this would be 14 weeks until the Marathon - and approx 2 months after we've started our conditioning training). to assess the following:
- Our progress, commitment to date
- Our body (aches/pains)
- Circumstances in our life's at this time (work, etc)
Then - we'll choose whether we'll move on to the 10km plan or the 1/2 marathon plan. One thing is for sure - we intend to run in this race!
So, if you're beginning a journey today - believe in the power of a mindset, intention. Good Luck!
Shout out to Lisa G. who is doing awesome on the treadmill! Keep it up!
Fitness Log:
Yesterday: 25mins run/walk (2.5mins run, 1min walk)
Today: 25 mins run/walk
Tomorrow: Pole dancing, run/walk
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
The CrossFit Challenge
Myself and a coworker decided to give CrossFIt a go and attend a free clinic last fall. CrossFit is constantly varied functional movements performed at a high intensity (pushups, sit ups, squats, box jumps, pull ups, etc) in timed exercise sets. One thing is for sure, it is intense. At this free session, the instructor/owner gave us a basic tutorial of what CrossFit is and why it is an effective way of exercising. Then - we learned how to properly squat and were put through a sample workout. The sample workout was an eye opener as I never thought that box jumping could be so difficult. It challenged your system where I felt like (at the end of 5mins) I had run 10kms. Amazing!
At first, I was intimidated to go to the class - I had a predetermined opinion that everyone who goes to CrossFit is in amazing shape and that I would "look silly". Don't get me wrong - there were some people there that were in great shape but there were also a lot of average Joes/Janes. I fell somewhere in the middle for my timed workout and felt a sense of support/community after 1/2 hour. The instructors were excellent and encouraging. The people that attended were just as scared/apprehensive as I and of course, I could offer some "good jobs" and "keep it up's".
In my opinion, if you could combine CrossFit, Yoga, and a weekly cardio session - you would be on your way to a well balanced, effective workout regime. Funny thing is that you won't see traditional body building exercises (like bicep curls) at these classes. You will see people pushing themselves to their limits and looking alive and healthy. Mike has been doing CrossFit for a couple of years now and ran last year's PEI 1/2 marathon without training (did I mention that CrossFit has little running involved). I also know that I started doing CrossFit workouts on my own and noticed a change in my overall ability in a very short period of time. I can also say that my coworker has kept up with it (I couldn't as I had Synchro during class times) and is looking fabulous! I intend to join the gym hopefully this summer but the nice thing about CrossFIt is that you can do it on your own as well.
I believe CrossFit is a challenge at is not for the mentally weak - you will feel like giving up but if you can push yourself to the end of the time, you'll gain a lot. Typically the exercise sets are short so in this case you could think of it as "Short-Term Pain - Long-Term Gain!!"
Today, Rebecca and I were up at 6:45am running in the snow and rain. We were sooo thankful there was no wind and we only had to concern ourselves with how wet we were getting. Yes, we're hardcore!
At first, I was intimidated to go to the class - I had a predetermined opinion that everyone who goes to CrossFit is in amazing shape and that I would "look silly". Don't get me wrong - there were some people there that were in great shape but there were also a lot of average Joes/Janes. I fell somewhere in the middle for my timed workout and felt a sense of support/community after 1/2 hour. The instructors were excellent and encouraging. The people that attended were just as scared/apprehensive as I and of course, I could offer some "good jobs" and "keep it up's".
In my opinion, if you could combine CrossFit, Yoga, and a weekly cardio session - you would be on your way to a well balanced, effective workout regime. Funny thing is that you won't see traditional body building exercises (like bicep curls) at these classes. You will see people pushing themselves to their limits and looking alive and healthy. Mike has been doing CrossFit for a couple of years now and ran last year's PEI 1/2 marathon without training (did I mention that CrossFit has little running involved). I also know that I started doing CrossFit workouts on my own and noticed a change in my overall ability in a very short period of time. I can also say that my coworker has kept up with it (I couldn't as I had Synchro during class times) and is looking fabulous! I intend to join the gym hopefully this summer but the nice thing about CrossFIt is that you can do it on your own as well.
I believe CrossFit is a challenge at is not for the mentally weak - you will feel like giving up but if you can push yourself to the end of the time, you'll gain a lot. Typically the exercise sets are short so in this case you could think of it as "Short-Term Pain - Long-Term Gain!!"
Today, Rebecca and I were up at 6:45am running in the snow and rain. We were sooo thankful there was no wind and we only had to concern ourselves with how wet we were getting. Yes, we're hardcore!
Sunday, April 18, 2010
Training VS Exercising
This week, I'd like to say I was 'in training'. I had an excellent week on the pavement and brought calm and tranquility back into my life by going to Yoga. I couldn't ask for more - The body felt great, I had a spring in my step and a clear head. Having set a goal for the PEI Marathon has brought a new sense of purpose to me. It's a different mindset of thinking that I'm "in training" and not just exercising because I have to. This week mother nature brought wind, snow, rain and overcast skies and yes, I was running through it all. Rebecca and I met for 2 training sessions both which brought sh**ty weather but also brought out the competitor in us.
I would like to say that at the end of this journey to the marathon, that I gave it my all and persevered at times when I would have quit before. I have started to noticed some changes in my body. I can see a mini bump on my legs (others would call it a quadricep), I have started to notice a hint of a collarbone and when I run I can't feel my stomach 'jiggle' anymore. Not scientific/specific measurements but areas that mean something to me. I can stand up straight without effort and feel a sense of confidence when I walk around. I haven't weighed myself and don't plan on it. I would just like to see a little more room in my jeans, my jacket zip up easier and possibly get back to wearing more fitted clothing. That's all....
So, for now on - I'm going to set specific fitness goals for myself and 'train' to achieve them. Rebecca and I have also decided to sign up for Level 2/3 pole dancing as it's been a liberating time for us and I plan on (after the synchro season) starting regular kettlebell classes and stick with Yoga.
I would like to say that at the end of this journey to the marathon, that I gave it my all and persevered at times when I would have quit before. I have started to noticed some changes in my body. I can see a mini bump on my legs (others would call it a quadricep), I have started to notice a hint of a collarbone and when I run I can't feel my stomach 'jiggle' anymore. Not scientific/specific measurements but areas that mean something to me. I can stand up straight without effort and feel a sense of confidence when I walk around. I haven't weighed myself and don't plan on it. I would just like to see a little more room in my jeans, my jacket zip up easier and possibly get back to wearing more fitted clothing. That's all....
So, for now on - I'm going to set specific fitness goals for myself and 'train' to achieve them. Rebecca and I have also decided to sign up for Level 2/3 pole dancing as it's been a liberating time for us and I plan on (after the synchro season) starting regular kettlebell classes and stick with Yoga.
Thursday, April 15, 2010
Dare to Dream

Recently Mike and I have been talking and dreaming about his participation in an Ironman competition. He recently decided to make the 2013 Hawaii Ironman Competition a goal to participate. Upon lots of preliminary research of this goal/dream it's become obvious that it's not easy to achieve... No duh...It's an Ironman competition. You can't be a "soft-man" or a "sorta-man" to enter into this. The Hawaii ironman qualifying process is unique. First - sign up and get a passport ID, next qualify to enter at a triathlon competition within the calendar year, then go to BC and wait in line to register for it - with 1800 spots and thousands of goal setters - it makes this process difficult and challenging. However, not impossible. Oh yes...and training. The training for this will become a second full-time job. With hours devoted to technical training, cross-training, nutrition and maintenance - it will make the result much sweeter in the end.
"Daring to Dream" is a scary concept to some. What is a Dream? To me, it's an ideal event or experience that aligns with your current goals. So why is dreaming sooo scary - The possibility of not achieving the dream is to think that the ideal situation won't/can't happen. It's much easier living in a belief system that "what is - will always be". Then, nothing risked or lost in the process. Hmmm - pretty HO HUM if you ask me. I'd much rather work towards a dream and benefit from the experiences and accomplishments that come along with the work. Call me crazy...
So - Mike and I will be committing ourselves (me as support staff/cheerleader) to the dreaming process and seeing what comes out of it. In the mean time - there will be lots of money saving, sweat, tears (of joy, hopefully), muscle soreness, stretching, sleeping, etc.
If anyone has experienced an Ironman competition or knows anything about it - please let me know:)
Fitness log:
Yesterday - work = nothing
Today - work = nothing
Tomorrow - running
"Daring to Dream" is a scary concept to some. What is a Dream? To me, it's an ideal event or experience that aligns with your current goals. So why is dreaming sooo scary - The possibility of not achieving the dream is to think that the ideal situation won't/can't happen. It's much easier living in a belief system that "what is - will always be". Then, nothing risked or lost in the process. Hmmm - pretty HO HUM if you ask me. I'd much rather work towards a dream and benefit from the experiences and accomplishments that come along with the work. Call me crazy...
So - Mike and I will be committing ourselves (me as support staff/cheerleader) to the dreaming process and seeing what comes out of it. In the mean time - there will be lots of money saving, sweat, tears (of joy, hopefully), muscle soreness, stretching, sleeping, etc.
If anyone has experienced an Ironman competition or knows anything about it - please let me know:)
Fitness log:
Yesterday - work = nothing
Today - work = nothing
Tomorrow - running
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
Don't Cha?
What does a Tuesday morning in April at 6:00am look like? Well, this morning I got to find out as Rebecca and I rescheduled our 530pm to a 630am run as we both had other commitments. As I woke to the 5am wake up call of Mike coming home from his night shift - I contemplated getting up and starting the day even earlier than needed. That soon passed and I got up at my scheduled time of 600am. At this time, it is starting to get bright, frost on the windows of your car, crisp air and calm surroundings. I rifled through my laundry basket (note to self: put out clothes the night before), had a blueberry apple sauce cup and some mouthfuls of water, threw on a winter hat and spring jacket and headed out the door. As the air hit me, I realized that I was awake and about to go running outside - training plan: 2mins run, 1min walk, longer route. I fired up the car, turned on the heated seats and popped in an upbeat CD for morning inspiration. As none of my CD's are labeled - it's the luck of the draw. The first song that came on was Pussycat Dolls - "Don't cha?".. I know - SOOO 2008 but it's a great uplifting song...
Just think:
Don't cha wish your girlfriend was hot like me?
Don't cha wish your girlfriend was a freak like me?
Don't chaaaa, Don't chaaaaa.....
Insert more Don't Cha's....
I know I'm on your mind
I know we'll have a good time
I'm your friend
I'm fun
And I'm fine
I aint lying
Look at me, you aint blind - and repeat 2x
I'm your friend
I'm fun
And I'm fine
I aint lying
Look at me, you aint blind - and repeat 2x
(Add random "Z snaps" - as you see fit - my suggestion is at "And I'm fine" and "you ain't blind". Imagine yourself running with these lyrics in your head...Fool proof method:)
It was a great start to my day - I felt energized and ready to take on the world. And now maybe a nap......
Fitness Log:
Yesterday - stretching
Today - running/walking, appointments, Yoga
Enjoy! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2AaLO-I_A74 - see you in Vegas PCD!
Sunday, April 11, 2010
Sunny Sunday
Thank you all who have supported me so far in this fitness journey - your messages, phone calls and "thumbs up" have made this easier and more enjoyable. I appreciate it all and look forward to the months ahead.
Yesterday, Rebecca (sister) and I sat down and drafted a training plan for the next 2 weeks. Part of that plan included UFIT this morning and then 25mins walk/run (1:30 run, 1:30walk). It was challenging - from the wind, tired muscles and hunger we struggled but reached our goal. It was a great way to start off a Sunday.
Tomorrow - Yoga!
Oh - and thanks to Mom who gave me her organizer :) A dollarstore dream!
Friday, April 9, 2010
To Organize or Not - That is the Question...
As part of my fitness journey, I find myself craving more organization in my life to help accomplish my goals. I've found that lately I've been unable to 'clear my head' as I have so much on the go. Trying to fit in a workout is getting more and more difficult. So, for the past few days I've been wanting and trying to get myself an organizer or daytimer that I can write all my days events in. We're given free day planners at work but the day slots are becoming too small for my schedule. Last night, I decided after my pole dancing class to head to Zellers to pick up a scheduler...none there. Oh well, I thought - I'll try somewhere else before work tomorrow. So I checked the Superstore....none. That's ok, I thought - I'm close to Indigo. So I then checked Indigo....nope, none there either BUT they do have some lovely journals (as the clerk told me)...don't need one of those, I thought - I have a blog..haha. So, I then thought I'd scoot over to Shopper's Drug Mart on my lunch break and see if they had one....nope... In an attempt to help myself become more organized and focused, I created more chaos. Who would have thought that it would be so hard to buy a daytimer? I spent the only free time I had in the past 2 days, trying to track down a suitable one and I'm still without.
This could be the universe trying to tell me something:
- Don't schedule too many things during my day
- Write smaller
- Don't wait until I have no free time to try to buy a daytimer
- Just go to Staples:)
This weekend, my sister and I will be sitting down to figure out our schedules for our training program in our quest for the 1/2 Marathon. We have decided to start with a 10k training plan, see how that goes, and then move ahead to the 1/2 marathon training. Check out this link to see where we're starting: http://www.princeedwardislandmarathon.com/uploads/PDFs/10-k%20training.pdf
This could be the universe trying to tell me something:
- Don't schedule too many things during my day
- Write smaller
- Don't wait until I have no free time to try to buy a daytimer
- Just go to Staples:)
This weekend, my sister and I will be sitting down to figure out our schedules for our training program in our quest for the 1/2 Marathon. We have decided to start with a 10k training plan, see how that goes, and then move ahead to the 1/2 marathon training. Check out this link to see where we're starting: http://www.princeedwardislandmarathon.com/uploads/PDFs/10-k%20training.pdf
Thursday, April 8, 2010
"The Fall Frolic?"
On Tuesday night my sister and I took advantage of the nice evening (aside from the hideous head wind) and went for our 2nd training session for the Marathon. As we started our warm up with 5mins brisk walking - it took everything we had to make it up the incline at Queen Elizabeth Dr due to the gale force winds. But hey, we're tough and when you're 'in training' you have to train in adverse conditions so you're prepared for anything. As we continued our 1min run, 2min walk routine we started picking up our pace and decided on a longer route. I'm really enjoying sweating out all the days stresses and getting the blood pumping. We discussed the possibility of the 1/2 marathon and after contemplating the close to 2 hour run we thought it could be a possibility. When you think of it 2 hours would be 1min running 120 times. I'm sure if Moya and Cheryl can do 108 sun salutes for the winter solstice, I can up the anty and do 120 low knees for the fall frolic..(yes and I am the 'queen' of cheese..). Who knows - I thought it may be exhilarating to hear Kerri-Wynne call out my name as I cross the finish line - "and coming in next we have bib number ... Stephanie Gee from Winsloe, PEI" and then a participation medal with the alien tin foil - icing on the cake.
Tonight I had my fourth pole dancing class and I must say I meant bizness! I had rhythm, I had the flow but I also had a lot of attitude. I'm soo used to being crisp and accurate with my movements when coaching that I can't seem to 'loosen up'. I know that's hard to believe (haha) but when someone asks me to do a high kick - I do it. When the instructor wants me to body roll - hell - I body roll. I give it 100% because that's what she's asking but sometimes it can be a bit much. The class had an interesting feel to it as the instructor (or myself, not sure which one yet) opened or left the door open. So the whole time I was thinking - is the door REALLY open? Is my coworker dropping off his little girl at 6:30pm going to see my pole wrapping bootie slap..? At one point, I convinced myself that it wasn't open, just LOOKED open. hmmmm..... I was so impressed with myself at the end of the class that I had pulled it together tonight. I definitely give myself an "A" for effort!
Fitness Log:
Tuesday - 25mins run/walk
Thursday - 1hour pole dancing
Tomorrow - work, work, work
Tonight I had my fourth pole dancing class and I must say I meant bizness! I had rhythm, I had the flow but I also had a lot of attitude. I'm soo used to being crisp and accurate with my movements when coaching that I can't seem to 'loosen up'. I know that's hard to believe (haha) but when someone asks me to do a high kick - I do it. When the instructor wants me to body roll - hell - I body roll. I give it 100% because that's what she's asking but sometimes it can be a bit much. The class had an interesting feel to it as the instructor (or myself, not sure which one yet) opened or left the door open. So the whole time I was thinking - is the door REALLY open? Is my coworker dropping off his little girl at 6:30pm going to see my pole wrapping bootie slap..? At one point, I convinced myself that it wasn't open, just LOOKED open. hmmmm..... I was so impressed with myself at the end of the class that I had pulled it together tonight. I definitely give myself an "A" for effort!
Fitness Log:
Tuesday - 25mins run/walk
Thursday - 1hour pole dancing
Tomorrow - work, work, work
Sunday, April 4, 2010
Back to Basics - Biking
Biking is an enjoyable but challenging form of exercise. As Mike has started his training for the 2 man event for the Island Relay, of course I decided to dig out my bike. This bike is at least 20 years old - green in color with a touch of rust on every inch of the chrome. It's a nice bike, nothing special but has lots of great memories associated to it.
I loaded up the green hornet (the night before my bike ride) into the trunk of my car, packed up my mom's old helmet and thought - now here's another outside activity that I can enjoy with Mike...Bonus!
I woke up on biking day sooo pumped. At 6:50am (40 mins before the alarm was to go off) I awoke feeling like I could burst into song "Good morning, Good morning...". I was surprised at my excitement and enthusiasm for getting back on my old wheels. I headed to the pool for 4.5 hours coaching and at the back of my mind all I was thinking about was biking. Once it was bike time I couldn't contain myself. I know now Mike is sure that I've completely lost my mind as I was fitting/adjusting my helmet and then walking around the house to make sure it was comfortable. I got outside, hopped on and noticed that the seat seemed a little lower than usual. Looking down at the height adjustment mechanism it seemed a little complicated (would need a screw driver) so I just thought - "What the hay, I'll give it a go anyways"... I waited for Mike to suit up as I got my bike legs back (circles in the driveway) and then we were off.......
I had planned out a route before we went - down to Sleepy Hollow around Royalty road and back to our driveway (about 5kms). At about 1/2 way down our street I changed my mind. My thighs/quads were killing me, heart rate was elevating and I was rethinking my wardrobe. I then decided to 'coast' a little to relieve the lactic acid build up and regain my composure. At this point I said "Why don't we take the trail" - mostly as I feared someone would see me struggling. Once we hit the trail I felt a little more at ease - until I realized that it was soft and therefore twice as hard. Needless to say the bike ride didn't last as long as I would have liked. 22mins later I was at Mike's mom's having a glass of water and a cookie, with jello legs, reflecting on the short but tough ride. For the next ride I think I'll raise the seat so that it's a little easier, stick to the road and start off a little slower.
Happy Easter!
I loaded up the green hornet (the night before my bike ride) into the trunk of my car, packed up my mom's old helmet and thought - now here's another outside activity that I can enjoy with Mike...Bonus!
I woke up on biking day sooo pumped. At 6:50am (40 mins before the alarm was to go off) I awoke feeling like I could burst into song "Good morning, Good morning...". I was surprised at my excitement and enthusiasm for getting back on my old wheels. I headed to the pool for 4.5 hours coaching and at the back of my mind all I was thinking about was biking. Once it was bike time I couldn't contain myself. I know now Mike is sure that I've completely lost my mind as I was fitting/adjusting my helmet and then walking around the house to make sure it was comfortable. I got outside, hopped on and noticed that the seat seemed a little lower than usual. Looking down at the height adjustment mechanism it seemed a little complicated (would need a screw driver) so I just thought - "What the hay, I'll give it a go anyways"... I waited for Mike to suit up as I got my bike legs back (circles in the driveway) and then we were off.......
I had planned out a route before we went - down to Sleepy Hollow around Royalty road and back to our driveway (about 5kms). At about 1/2 way down our street I changed my mind. My thighs/quads were killing me, heart rate was elevating and I was rethinking my wardrobe. I then decided to 'coast' a little to relieve the lactic acid build up and regain my composure. At this point I said "Why don't we take the trail" - mostly as I feared someone would see me struggling. Once we hit the trail I felt a little more at ease - until I realized that it was soft and therefore twice as hard. Needless to say the bike ride didn't last as long as I would have liked. 22mins later I was at Mike's mom's having a glass of water and a cookie, with jello legs, reflecting on the short but tough ride. For the next ride I think I'll raise the seat so that it's a little easier, stick to the road and start off a little slower.
Happy Easter!
Saturday, April 3, 2010
Day 1 - Training for the 10k

Yesterday was officially my first day of training for the 10km race in the PEI Marathon (October 2010). Yes - it is early to start to train but this body needs time to adjust and get used to the 'pounding' of the pavement. The nice weather has brought out the runner in me - even if the body feels tired, sore and unmotivated - a nice day can make me forget about it all.
For our 1st training session (Sister as my partner) we decided to start off slow and ease ourselves into the idea of running again. Here was our training plan:
- 5mins fast walk (warm up)
- 1 min run
- 2 mins walk x 5
- 10mins stretching and huffing/puffing
What I've learned in the past (as I'm not a natural runner) is to start off with an achievable run time. It helps your body get used to an elevated heart rate and helps your mind 'believe' that you can be a runner. It's also good to have a portion of the run on a 'busier' road so that you are motivated to keep going - wouldn't want people to see that you quit or are struggling. It's also good to have medium paced music (if you have pacing problems) as the fast stuff can get you going too fast and you'll burn yourself out quickly. And if you have a partner - pick someone that's relatively your speed.
Note: I THOUGHT Rebecca was my speed until she did a lap sprint at the end of our 5km race of 2009...That was unbelievable!
Today, the body felt good - I'm excited for this 'training' season and can't wait to get another participation medal at the Marathon. Who knows, you may even see me do the 1/2 Marathon race.
Fitness Log:
Today - 22mins of 'hardcore' biking!
Third Time's NOT A Charm - Pole Dancing
I managed to make my pole dancing class on Thursday (got off work early) as I raced down to the class, changed quickly and got right down to business - my head must not have been attached. From the awkward hair flipping (no, hair wasn't down) to the 'sharp' and not 'smooth' turns and back arches...nothing seemed to come easy to me. I thought I may be able to redeem myself once we got to the routine but that ended up being a disaster!
I started with my back to the audience ( at 1 point while she was adjusting the song volume I even thought I might add a first pose) and right from the sexy walk to the back wall, I just couldn't get my groove. All of my moves were mechanical and stiff and then we got to the pole spins.......
On thursday we learned a new 'back' spin that in theory is not that difficult...looks difficult but if you just let yourself go it's almost natural. The first spin in the routine was the trusty fireman's spin.. I was counting out my moves (again - trying to redeem myself from the outrageous first part of class) inside, outside, and just at the point where to spinning should happen I fell flat on my butt. The instructor and Bec kept going with their routine as I tried to brush it off and keep gain my composure. At the point of the second spin I was cautiously optimistic that this would go well..again, counting out my steps - inside, outside, leg up and crash...another failed attempt. By the end of the routine I was discouraged and blurted out "well that sucked!". The instructor was quick to say - "but did you have fun?"...
I guess in hindsight it was fun - at the time I was discouraged as I just wanted to show improvement and get the moves....
Better luck next time!
The next day, after getting out of the shower - I noticed evidence all over my legs of my failed routine - inside legs bruised and shins marked up....
Fitness Log:
Thursday - pole dancing
Friday - running
Saturday, today - biking
I started with my back to the audience ( at 1 point while she was adjusting the song volume I even thought I might add a first pose) and right from the sexy walk to the back wall, I just couldn't get my groove. All of my moves were mechanical and stiff and then we got to the pole spins.......
On thursday we learned a new 'back' spin that in theory is not that difficult...looks difficult but if you just let yourself go it's almost natural. The first spin in the routine was the trusty fireman's spin.. I was counting out my moves (again - trying to redeem myself from the outrageous first part of class) inside, outside, and just at the point where to spinning should happen I fell flat on my butt. The instructor and Bec kept going with their routine as I tried to brush it off and keep gain my composure. At the point of the second spin I was cautiously optimistic that this would go well..again, counting out my steps - inside, outside, leg up and crash...another failed attempt. By the end of the routine I was discouraged and blurted out "well that sucked!". The instructor was quick to say - "but did you have fun?"...
I guess in hindsight it was fun - at the time I was discouraged as I just wanted to show improvement and get the moves....
Better luck next time!
The next day, after getting out of the shower - I noticed evidence all over my legs of my failed routine - inside legs bruised and shins marked up....
Fitness Log:
Thursday - pole dancing
Friday - running
Saturday, today - biking
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