The above picture is one of my 15 attempts to squat clean and press 110 pounds for the Crossfit Open Competition - workout 11.3. The workout was a "AMRAP" (as many rounds as possible) for 5mins. My total score was 0.
And here's the details.
As a registered competitor for the Crossfit Open, I have completed 0 workouts to date (out of 3). Mike registered me to compete as I tried the 1st workout in a regular class and got through it. My goal for this competition is to get a score on the board. I have 3 more chances to achieve this goal.
When this workout was released on Tuesday night, I knew that it would take a miracle for me to achieve a rep. My PR to date was 55lbs so this weight would be double what I have proven I can do or have even attempted. From Wednesday till this morning, I contemplated even trying it. Who do I think I am thinking I can achieve this? To be honest - I was 'iffy' as to what I believed. It's hard to know what you can do when you've never tried.
Sheepishly I joined the other competitors this morning hoping I would blend into the back ground while we were warming up. I had a little confidence boost when another female had already tried this workout and didn't achieve a rep so I thought "well at least I won't be the only one". During the warm up phase I squat cleaned and pressed 65lbs - a new PR for me. I went over to the 110lb bar and attempted a high pull to 'get the feel for it'. As I found the deadlift/high pull tough - I instantly knew - this would be the most challenging thing that I've done in a looonnnnggg time!
Watching the more experienced Crossfitters do this workout and seeing some achieve awesome results and others struggle, my confidence started to fade. I also noticed other regular Crossfitters looking on and cheering - most stronger than me. As one lady asked me if I wanted to go in round 2 I declined and decided to go in Round 3. Little did I know, I was the ONLY one to go in Round 3.
I started with the judge and Mike by my side as the rest of the crew cleared out. Some deciding to tackle the regular WOD and others calling it a day. Fading into the background strategy worked, however it was a different feel to be on my own and not have the energy behind me of the rest of the group.
I attempted 15+ squat cleans and time after time failed just as I tried to get my elbows and body under the bar. At one point I said "I can't" to where the judge said "Don't say that word - you just didn't do it this time, doesn't mean it won't happen...". Great advice.
I was frustrated as I came on to minute 3 and then felt this incredible urge to keep going. At the end, I had a touch of embarrassment as I received a 0 and wished I had gone with the rest of the group so that I had the enthusiasm around me.
I knew I wasn't ready for the weight today but I'm of the mindset that it's better to try and fail then to not try at all. After the 110lb attempts, I stripped off some weight and set a new PR of 85lbs squat clean.
Well, I chalk this one up to "at least I tried" motto. Better luck next time. But I did raise my PR by 30lbs. Success I say!
"Try and fail but don't fail to try" - Stephen Kaggwa
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