Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Survival of the "Not So" Fittest

Anxious about my 1st day 'playing with the big kids' (regular WOD Crossfit members), I walked into the Gym and was greeted by friendly faces.  We warmed up, split into teams of 3 and were given our 1st workout:
Workout #1
50 pullups
100 air squats

50 PULLUPS - I thought.  The most I've ever done is 5!

As I started the workout with my team (regular members) - I got through 6 without a problem.  As I got to the 7-10, I knew this was going to be a challenging workout day for me.  Minutes later (felt like hours) I finished 48 pull ups.  I had to do 3-4, rest, 3-4 more, rest....and so on.

I started my air squats with my arms shaking uncontrollably.  I got through my first 50 squats and realized my team mates were done of both their sets.  I then proceeded to do my second 50 without resting as I didn't want to let my team down.

TIME!  I called out - and then rested for approx 3mins. 

At this point, my arms still shaking, legs jello - I was feeling unsure whether I'd get through the next workout.

Workout #2
Move 2500 pounds - could break it up however you wanted ie. I had 55lbs to lift so I had to lift this 45x......

As I was doing a lighter weight than my teammates, I had to start 1st.  My 1st 10 reps went well - during my break time, I knew this was going to be TOUGH.  As I set out for my second set of 10 - the nausea, weakness and overall body fatigue kicked in.  I got through it.  On my 3rd set of 10, I got through 4 reps and at this point - couldn't feel my body, I was weak all over and shaking uncontrollably.  It was then that I broke into tears on my knees and knew I could not finish... 

Why the tears?
- I was completely fatigued and could not control my emotions
- I was upset as I thought I was letting my team down
- I was overwhelmed with the intensity

The instructor, at this point, said - "Ok Stephanie, you're done".  I got myself over to the wall, with my tail between my legs knowing that on Monday, December 27th - the team workout Kicked my Ass!  Mike came over to offer his condolences and I sat embarassed about my earned title of "The Girl who Cried at Crossfit" (self labeled). 

At the end of the workout the "Cash Out" was 40 Handstand PushUps.  I did not attempt this as I could not feel my arms.

The Moral of this Story - I gave the workout everything I had.  I can walk away with my head held high knowing that I tried my best.  If I never tried this workout because of fear, I would never know what my body is capable of.  Really, I think I did pretty darn good considering that I'm in my 1st month of basics.  I am not the fittest in the group but I am trying. 

Shout out to Alyson and Mike who are machines!  What an awesome day for them.  They powered through the workouts and had some left to give at the end.  I am proud to call them my friends and support system!

PS - I came back to Crossfit class this morning and did another challenging workout.  Sore, fatigued and still humbled - I again did my best....

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Week 3, Woe Is Me...

Monday morning, after a quiet, restful weekend (in bed early at 9pm Saturday & Sunday nights) - I wake up at 5:50am to start week 3 at CrossFit.  Anxious to get back at 'er, I gear up, text Alyson with my morning "Wakey, Wakey!  See you soon!" message, grab a bite and off I go.

I walk into the gym, take off my coat and hear Smash then immediately after "Everyone 20 Burpees".  I continue to put on my sneakers thinking Glad I just got here and then hear "Stephanie, you too!

Stephanie, Welcome to Week 3

The theme of this week so far is an overwhelming mental challenge.  As we are learning a great deal of skills and techniques in a short period of time - the push press, shoulder press, front squats, air squats, walking lunge, kettlebell swings are all starting to run together.  As are also learning cleans, jerks (Hey, who you calling a jerk...., I usually think to myself..haha), snatches, snitches, critches (oh no, that's just my back)leans....AHHH....I am filled to the brim. 

Yesterday, as we are starting our workout readying ourselves in the walking lunge line, myself and a group of 4 others were still trying to process the workout instructions:
"Ok, so it's 10 front squats, 8 ring dips, 10 walking lunges"...As others are debating "No, it's 10 front squats, 6 ring dips and 10 walking lunges..." Then the instructor yells "GO" I start realizing, I may not be alone in my state of confusion.

I can see some progress in my technique in some areas and am frustrated with others.  I am now able to hang from the bar for more than 5 secs, I can almost get my toes to the bar while hanging (shout out to Alyson who is a machine at toes to bar!!!), I am able to squat and not die after a couple BUT I still have a looooonnnngggg way to go. 

As I texted Al this morning:  "Great job, your patience and persistence will pay off"....Maybe I should take my own advice:)

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

A Bengay Kind of Day

6:00am this morning my alarm clock rings...  I roll over, put my feet on the floor and attempt to stand up and it hits - 8 hours of nonmovement = seized muscles and critched back.  I stand at a 45degree angle and hope that I will be able to loosen up and make it to class without completely embarassing myself. 

As I walk in the gym I am greeted by fellow intro CrossFitters.  Each one with a slight smile on their face, in the upright position and looking spry.  Isn't anyone feeling like me?  I thought.  One crossfitter says "Sore, Stephanie?"  Is it THAT obvious?  "Yes" I reply thinking "Aren't you....?"

We begin class reviewing the air squat.  It was then when everyone in the class started grimicing as they start.  The ooohhhs and aaaaahhhhs sound and I then know - I'm not the only sore one...Thank God!

Our Workout for today was:
5 Burpees
10 Walking Lunges
5 Pull Ups (could do with band assist)

As we had a large group we split the class into 2 groups.  As I watched Group 1, which included Alyson, I felt their pain.   As the CrossFitters got to Round 3 - the breathing got heavier and heavier.

It was then my turn.

I started out with a bang - trying to 'pace' myself, the first set came quite easily.  I felt great.  As I hit round 2 I realized - I have 3 more rounds to do.  The feeling of burning lungs came back - Instructor yelling - "Hands off knees" (in walking lunges - OOPS!) and a wave of nausea comes over me.  At the 5min mark, I was barely lifting myself up in the pull ups, and by 6mins people were packing up and heading out.  As Mike was in my group (did the workout in 3:04), he was there with a couple of friends cheering me on.

I get to the last 2 pull ups and really thought - I am not getting through this.  I was getting distracted by the 2 lead sticks (otherwise known as arms) that I was trying to lift myself up with.  In the last 10secs I got a slight burst - well maybe just a bur.. - of energy and finished the last 2.  6:48 and I was done.

The rest of the day went well.  In the seated position I was pain-free and energetic.  Standing, squatting, walking, stairs, lifting arms - are all a challenge.   It was definitely a Bengay Kind of Day.

Monday, December 6, 2010

Taking a Turn...

Stephanie Meet Pukey - the Crossfit Mascot....

This morning's workout was like nothing I've EVER felt before.  The feeling of digging deep and pushing myself to a limit that I didn't know existed was satisfying yet humbling.

I guess when I usually workout I stop before I get TOO tired or challenged.  Maybe this is why I like working out so much....?  Possibly..

This morning we started with Round 1 - Tabata Squats - 20secs work, 10secs rest 6x (usually do 8 rounds but I guess the instructor was going 'easy' on us). Note: By the end of this my legs were jello. Next, Round 2- we went into learning the basics of the Sumo deadlift high pull (pictured above) with a 25 pound bar.  As we were about to start the workout, the instructor says "if you would like 10 pound weights to add grab them over here".  Alyson and I look at eachother, the rest of the room getting the 10pound weights and decided - What the hey.... 

As the workout started, a feeling of burning (lungs), muscle weakness (legs, arms), nausea (stomach), blurred vision (eyes) came upon me like never before.  We alternated between pushups and Sumo DHP 4 sets of 7 each and then had a 90 sec rest.  Throughout my 90secs rest - I was bent over, gasping for air and trying not to 'meet the mascot' over the floor.  And then it was Round 3...

By this time I knew I was taking a turn to uncertain street....Uncertain if I could finish this workout without vomiting, uncertain if I could hold up my end of the weight as I was partnered with Alyson.  And then the instructor said "GO".  With no choice I did it. 

At the end of class I was having an outer body experience. Trembling from head to toe I left thinking "Good Morning Monday, this is going to be a great week!"

Thursday, December 2, 2010


WOW!  What a busy month!  It was such a nice surprise to have a 'reminder' message from my best friend asking - "Where are the blogs?"  AND mentioning "You're on the decline...."

This is why.

November started off with my Bawston Getaway, from there life took hold with synchro/work/pole dancing/yoga into a quick trip to Ottawa for a High Performance Summit then a weekend coaches conference and now staff party preparations....Whew.....

This past Monday Mike, Alyson and myself started the Basics Group at CrossFit PEI.  We are doing 3 mornings a week trying to grasp the concepts of Squats, Dead Lifts, Shoulder Press, Pull Ups, Box Jumps and the list goes on.

The first class the instructor (after our workout) started teaching us how to do a kipping motion (hanging from bar, swinging) to gain momentum to do a pull up.  He told us to do 3 swings and then attempt to pull ourselves up using our momentum.

So here's how it went for me.

1, 2, 3 and pull... and Nothing.  Nope. Notta. Zilch - didn't budge BUT did get a laugh (from myself).

During my second class the instructor asked us to work on our "Goats".  Alyson and I looked at each other, then around the room wondering "What is the Goat exercise?".  We noticed some guys doing hand stand push ups, 1 guy working on his pull ups, Mike getting dead lift instruction and so we then decided to work on our pull ups again - but this time with a band to assist us.  Glad I didn't ask what the "Goat" exercise was as Mike informed me after class that it means 'weakness'.....  Oh dear......

I'm super excited for the next fitness chapter and to slowly watch myself become more and more fit.  I'm also still doing my pole dancing and starting a routine next week.  Good Times!