Well, Becs and I are back on the training schedule after our glorious Vegas vacation. It's been a busy week - here's a recap:
Wednesday, May 26th - Running
This was our first day doing 4mins run/1min walk and also my first day in my new lulu tights. It was great to hit the pavement again. We did a shorter route to ease back in after a week long break. Great training session, hard on lungs...
Thursday, May 27th - Pole Dancing
This was our first night doing pole dancing in high heels. What a difference it makes when you are doing the model walk in heels - hips side to side, attitude in check and the clicking of stiletto's on the hard wood floor. I felt empowered and sexy as hell. This week we have 2 classes (thurs/sat) as we are making up a missed session.
Friday, May 28th - Cancelled Run Session
Becs and I were supposed to run at 645am, however as I woke at 6am I was feeling a tickle in my throat and still (imagine) suffering from jet leg. I was the one who cancelled the session and went back to bed...ahhh....zzzz
Oh - and this date officially marked the 1 year till the wedding anniversary. Thanks to those who called and messaged me. Super pumped. That is all.
Saturday, May 29th - Brudenell Relay
Supported and coached Mike all day. Exhausting. :)
Sunday, May 30th - Run
Becs and I ran at 7pm after I had worked a 12hour day shift. It was an awesome evening out so we decided to do 4.5mins run, 1.5mins walk for 6kms. We were definitely running at a faster pace and by the last run interval Becs was ahead of me (at least 3 body lenghts) and I was struggling behind her (Becs said it sounded as if I was going to fall over any second - heavy on my feet). After the run and stretching I felt amazing. I had been feeling like my blood was stale after sitting in a chair for 12hours - great way to end the day.
Tuesday, June 1st - Swimming, Yoga
6:15am - Swimming at CARI - Becs and I decided to pull out the trunks and do a 40min lap swim. I must admit, it was easier than the first time but still a challenge. We kept the same program as the first time and plan to do it at least 2 more times. I do need to invest in a new 1 piece suit as this morning, I must of had one of Becs old suits (too small) on over a severly rotted 1 piece that I had. Can you say "veggie".....haha
12:00-1:00pm - Moksha Yoga - Mike and I hit the Yoga again today. We had another instructor who challenged us to the brink. I thought at one point I may pass out from exhaustion holding a pose but I didn't.
The rest of this week we have 2 pole dancing classes, 1 run and a bike session. Mike and I are also doing another lap swim on Sunday morning (his first time) to commence his triatholon training. Looking forward to all of these sessions as the more and more I do, the more I want to do. As Becs and I have decided to run, bike and swim - who knows, maybe a triatholon is in my future.....
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