The journey to developing self confidence, sexiness, rhythm and upper body strength is coming to an end. On Saturday, Becs and I will participate in our last pole dancing class together :( Becs is planning on moving in September to Halifax and so we decided to end this part of our fitness journey together. It's a bitter sweet time for me as I enjoyed our weekly classes and feel like I'm just starting to be able to 'travel' my hands and do pelvic circles without laughing/smiling or snickering. Now that's an accomplishment! To celebrate our last class together, we've decided to take pictures of some of our pole moves and poses to remember this time in our lives (will share some later). This evolved from my outrageous idea to choreograph a routine (for the next 8 weeks) to music and put on a show for family and close friends. After careful consideration we decided that now is not the time to break this out. I have now decided to take private classes in September and have the instructor choreograph a routine for me (mild to moderate sexiness) to Michael Jackson music (can't go wrong). This routine I plan to perform for Mike and maybe a couple of close friends/family. Why? You ask.... Well for the following reasons:
- I can't imagine myself doing this, so why not do it
- I've always wanted to be a back up dancer so this would give me center stage for 3.5 mins
- My hands are shaking as I type this so I know that it would be out of my comfort zone
- I feel that if I dedicated time to myself and embracing my shyness I can only reap rewards
- Mike will be pleased and slightly uncomfortable that I am going to do this
- I can do the classes around my schedule, so why not
- I will be able to show others what I've learned as I don't know anyone who owns a pole
- I will remember this time for the rest of my life and think how crazy it was
Oh and because- I'm bad, bad, really really bad....
Fitness Log:
Yesterday - nothing
Today - Running 22:30 - 4.5mins run, 1 min walk (last time for this), Pole dancing
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