This post is dedicated to Alaina - Thanks Alaina for getting after me and wondering what I've been up to. It's ironic as I started running because of you. After I heard that you had ran a marathon I thought - why can't I?
To me - running should come relatively natural to most people. As kids, running was part of our daily lives...really when you think of it - most kids would rather run somewhere than walk. So, when/where did we go wrong...? Aside from when I was a kid, I've never really liked running. I've always found it a struggle - to breathe, painful and certainly not enjoyable.
In 2009, I decided to take a "Learn to Run" class where I would meet 2 nights a week with a group of people (ranging in age, size) and go over the specifics of running. From concepts of long breaths in/short out - to heel toe running - it was a lot more complicated then a thought. I enjoyed the class but due to shift work was unable to go to all of them, therefore falling behind and losing the ambition to run.
Then in the fall of 2009 I decided to yet again try out running. With my fiance supporting my goal to run the 5k Run for the Cure - I started running outside. I started slow with 1min run, 1min walk for 20mins and built myself up to 18-20mins straight running. I quickly remembered why I disliked running - oh the pain.... I definitely had more bad then good days. I would throw "f" bombs left and right and at some points acted in such a dramatic manner that Mike thought I was seriously dying. See the problem with my running is that I had a difficult time pacing myself. I would come out fast from the gate and not be able to sustain my speed...
With the support of Mike and his friend Mike - I reached my goal of running the 5km Run for the Cure. Within a Mike sandwich - they went at my pace and didn't complain. (I did see Mike R. walking a couple of times beside me - haha) I did the run in 38mins without stopping (slow but respectable speed) and at the finish line was overwhelmed with emotion. From there I did the 5km race at the PEI marathon and thought I was the sh**. My sister and I walked away with participation medals and I couldn't be happier. I retired my running shoes for the winter but plan on torturing myself for another spring/summer.
Even though I hated the thought of going out running most days, I would (at the end of the torture) feel a sense of accomplishment. I loved the feeling of pushing myself through and I quickly was able to challenge my 'mental' limits. Learning to run has been a positive time in my life - Mike and I grew stronger together, Rebecca and I got to spend time together, I was able to burn off stress - all wins! I am somewhat looking forward to starting again. I would like to set my goal for this year's PEI Marathon 10km race. Let's hope the body holds up!
Fitness log:
March 11-14th - Quebec City - Synchro Comp. I personally think 8-12hours a day standing on a pool deck sweating perfusely should count for something.
March 15th - 1hour Yoga, 1 game of Wii bowling :)
ReplyDeleteI love this post! Lets start running again and do the 10km together! We can do it! :)
You're right - we can do it! Can't wait to hit the payment again:)
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ReplyDeletewas someone chasing you because that is the only rational reason I can come up with to run:)Help me