Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Latin Dance

I tried latin dance classes 2 years ago at the Spa. This class consisted of an hour/week (8 week session - I believe reasonably priced) where the instructor would teach you basic moves to classic latin dances - merengue, salsa, cha-cha (etc) for approx 20mins of the hour. The other 40mins consisted of:
- practicing, practicing, practicing...I guess practice makes perfect...
- watching the gifted dancers - in high heels, I might add!


- Improv.. That's right - for the last 10-15mins, the instructor would turn on the music and instruct us to 'let our bodies feel the music'. I suppose this was to bring out our inner Latina or maybe just kill time - I'm still torn with this one...

My sister and I took this class together and as I would look forward to each week - her, not so much. Yes, I do have to say the 'hip gyrating' was a little much (especially since we had limited instruction and LOTS of practicing our own techniques) but I enjoyed the class atmosphere and that we didn't need a partner to dance with (I was single at the time) :)

The only problem with taking a latin dance class is that there is nowhere to practice your moves. I always craved a venue where people, on a weekend, could go and let loose, bootie shake and cha - cha - cha...

I'm going to chalk this class up as an experience. Can't say I'd do it again, can't say I won't but what I can say is that I love to dance and think it's a wonderful form of exercise. I may not look so great doing it - but I'm having a whole lot of fun:)

Fitness Log:
Today - 1 hour Moksha Yoga


  1. Love Latin dance:) Just started Zumba and it is a great class lots of fun and very positive energy. I think you would Love it. Give me a call sometime and we can take one together:)

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