I was presented with a gift a few days ago which was "The Talent Code" a book by Daniel Coyle from a Synchro Mom. This was very unexpected but special as here's someone who believes that "we" - the Naiads - can produce and develop talented synchronized swimmers. I appreciated the gesture and was excited to hear the secrets of the most talented athletes and coaches. 30 pages in, I feel uplifted, optimistic and motivated to keep working hard and trying to incorporate concepts within the deep practice philosophy. Curious - so am I. What I do know at this point is that Deep Practicing (meaning practicing at the edge of your ability, struggling, making mistakes and fixing them yourself) can increase the speed of learning....Hmmm...I also know that a girl named Clarissa did a month of practicing piano in 6mins. Wow!
With this being said - we don't have to practice lots of hours to get results. We just need to be doing the right kind of practicing. I can see myself learning a lot from this book and being able to apply these concepts into my regular life. Think of the times you let your foot off the clutch when you're sitting in your driveway in 1st gear and the car jolts OR the saying "you won't see me making the same mistake twice".. These can be related to deep practicing.
As I looked into the Talent Code further i.e. Googled it:) I was shocked at the abundance of awesome information on the website: www.thetalentcode.com.
After creeping the site I found a section called "What Talent Do You Want to Grow?" Browsing my options I notice a tab called "Social Skills".. Click...There you'll find a girl talking about going to a Shyness Clinic and that got me thinking...you really CAN develop, enhance and grow social skills. Imagine if all the people that 'we' may say on a regular basis just need 'better social skills' knew about the CODE, wow - the world would be a different place. I would recommend taking a look at the "code" as it may help in any aspect of your life - mental, physical and just plain understanding how the brain works..
Fitness Log:
Today - nothing
Tomorrow - Pole Dancing
Warning: This blog may talk about fitness, health and well-being. Readers discretion is advised.
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Stephanie and Self-Control
What a weekend I had...After testing my self-control at a party (with junk food), I would give myself an F. Not for "Failure" but for "Fearful". After being in an environment with chicken wings, nacho dip, chips, chocolates, meatballs, etc. I couldn't hold myself back from trying everything in my sight. I paid the price at 5:00am where I was woken up to my stomach rejecting the insane amount of unneccessary food I ate. This is when I realized that my body is trying to tell me something. Moderation is the key to success and has always been a challenge for me. I'm wondering what I could have done differently to help myself resist the temptation of all of the tasty goodness.... Here's what I came up with:
- sit farther away from the snacks
- talk more, eat less
- drink more, eat less (non-alcholic drinks - that's another story...haha)
- eat before I go so I will eat less
and finally,
- think about my 5:00am meeting with the "porcelain throne"
So, that's why I'm fearful of my next test with the lovely treats..I guess it's always good to come in with a game-plan or strategy for the next challenge.
I did however, get up at 9:00am (still squeamish) and go to UFIT to sweat out the chicken wings and dips. It worked and I felt a lot better about myself after!
Fitness log:
Saturday night - Sunday morning UFIT = no loss/no benefit.
- sit farther away from the snacks
- talk more, eat less
- drink more, eat less (non-alcholic drinks - that's another story...haha)
- eat before I go so I will eat less
and finally,
- think about my 5:00am meeting with the "porcelain throne"
So, that's why I'm fearful of my next test with the lovely treats..I guess it's always good to come in with a game-plan or strategy for the next challenge.
I did however, get up at 9:00am (still squeamish) and go to UFIT to sweat out the chicken wings and dips. It worked and I felt a lot better about myself after!
Fitness log:
Saturday night - Sunday morning UFIT = no loss/no benefit.
Thursday, March 25, 2010
Journey to Believing
I've probably read or perused most self-help books out there searching for the quick fix. Whether it was a failed relationship, low self-esteem, trying to learn from other's mistakes - I've "researched" it all. If you look at my bookshelf it's filled with titles like: Oprah's "Guide to Life", Dr. Phil's "Life Strategies" or "Self Matters", "Codependent - No More", "How to Stop Worrying and Start Living", Travis Stork's "Don't Be That Girl" and the list goes on. Frankly, anytime I felt an uncomfortable emotion I needed to fix it...I hated being out of my comfort zone. I'm self help's #1 fan. Hey, if you don't like yourself than why would you want to help yourself...?After reading a lot of interesting concepts and ideas - I really learned a lot. I started taking some of the advice in the books and making lists of long term goals, writing letters to the people that "jaded" me, visualized a world of Shangri-La, made some lifestyle changes, inspected the "clutter" in my life, talked to people about their life experiences, investigated life coaching, took a counselling course, set standards for myself and focused on choosing happiness.
Choosing happiness can be exhausting by times. The days that you get up and feel like telling someone off because it's 5:20am in the morning and you have to shovel as there's been an unexpected snowfall and your driveway guy isn't there yet..Or, when you are running behind and EVERYTHING just isn't going well - it's hard not to focus on letting these things ruin your day. It's achieveable just takes energy. When my life was chaotic was a time that I didn't have the energy to be calm and content. It was the time when I wasn't sleeping well, wasn't eating well and therefore didn't have the energy to be 'happy'..
Since I've been focusing on living a better life - things have changed drastically for me. I've been able to finally have a clear head (not be running under constant stress/anxiety), give energy to the things that I love and able to believe that anything's possible.
Some mindset's that have helped me:
- If you believe that something won't happen - it won't
- If you wait long enough you can see the good in anyone
- If you focus on the past - you live in it
and finally,
- Don't take yourself too seriously:)
Choosing happiness can be exhausting by times. The days that you get up and feel like telling someone off because it's 5:20am in the morning and you have to shovel as there's been an unexpected snowfall and your driveway guy isn't there yet..Or, when you are running behind and EVERYTHING just isn't going well - it's hard not to focus on letting these things ruin your day. It's achieveable just takes energy. When my life was chaotic was a time that I didn't have the energy to be calm and content. It was the time when I wasn't sleeping well, wasn't eating well and therefore didn't have the energy to be 'happy'..
Since I've been focusing on living a better life - things have changed drastically for me. I've been able to finally have a clear head (not be running under constant stress/anxiety), give energy to the things that I love and able to believe that anything's possible.
Some mindset's that have helped me:
- If you believe that something won't happen - it won't
- If you wait long enough you can see the good in anyone
- If you focus on the past - you live in it
and finally,
- Don't take yourself too seriously:)
Fitness Pole Dancing - Take 2
Tonight was my second pole dancing class - after I hobbled into the mall, down the stairs and put on a smile (still sore from earlier this week and now my neck is critched)- I was second guessing my fitness quest.... I mean really, isn't it easier to watch tv and eat carbs? Yesterday, I was overcome with a horrid headache and sore muscles - I really thought I was getting ill and possibly had an uncurable disease(I know dramatic!).. It took everything I had to get myself up and going to this class and I'm glad I did.
I love the concept and components of the class - giggling, 'travelling hands', hair flipping, hip rolling, 'marking territory', pole spinning, splits, back arching, pouncing cat, pony (slapping derriere while yelling "OOOhh"), sexy walking, the possibilities are endless... Tonight - we started our 'routine'...
Picture this.....
Instructor dims the lights to where you feel like you're in a smokey club, presses play on the IPOD, adjusts volume so you can hear the crowd cheering in the background (not sure the name of the song but it suits the routine), we begin with our backs to the 'audience' (which are mirrors)and the routine starts...
The instructor calls out the moves as we go and it's at this time my sister and I are holding back our smiles and giggles...after the initial sexy walk (on our tip toes to simulate high heels) to the wall to mark our territory I started to loose myself in the room. At one point - I believe it was when I was bent over looking between my legs waving - that I thought "if my Dad could see us now..." By the end of the routine my sister and I felt a sense of accomplishment. We were able to keep time with the instructor, able to hold a straight face and do our fireman's spin/back arch combination.
The "not so sexy" moments of the class:
a)Tonight was one of those nights that I was glad that my sister and I were the only pole students....At the time where I was feeling liberated and channeling my inner burlesque dancer I went to practice my fireman's pole spin when I lost focus -didn't attach my feet to the pole and landed on my butt....Becs couldn't keep herself going on her spin from laughter as I had let out an "ooh and ahh" as I was falling.
b)I also now realize the importance of wearing hair down during this class as tonight I did multiple "hair flips" with only bangs down...A few times I had dudded my first flip and had to give it another go only to have further 'critched' my neck. It's really not sexy to be in your back arch position supposed to be running your hands through your hair only to be 'simulating' it with a claw like hand...How are you supposed to run your hands through your hair when it's up?.. So next week I will do something that I haven't done in a while - let loose and wear my hair down!
Fitness Log:
Today: Pole Dancing
Tomorrow: Yoga
I love the concept and components of the class - giggling, 'travelling hands', hair flipping, hip rolling, 'marking territory', pole spinning, splits, back arching, pouncing cat, pony (slapping derriere while yelling "OOOhh"), sexy walking, the possibilities are endless... Tonight - we started our 'routine'...
Picture this.....
Instructor dims the lights to where you feel like you're in a smokey club, presses play on the IPOD, adjusts volume so you can hear the crowd cheering in the background (not sure the name of the song but it suits the routine), we begin with our backs to the 'audience' (which are mirrors)and the routine starts...
The instructor calls out the moves as we go and it's at this time my sister and I are holding back our smiles and giggles...after the initial sexy walk (on our tip toes to simulate high heels) to the wall to mark our territory I started to loose myself in the room. At one point - I believe it was when I was bent over looking between my legs waving - that I thought "if my Dad could see us now..." By the end of the routine my sister and I felt a sense of accomplishment. We were able to keep time with the instructor, able to hold a straight face and do our fireman's spin/back arch combination.
The "not so sexy" moments of the class:
a)Tonight was one of those nights that I was glad that my sister and I were the only pole students....At the time where I was feeling liberated and channeling my inner burlesque dancer I went to practice my fireman's pole spin when I lost focus -didn't attach my feet to the pole and landed on my butt....Becs couldn't keep herself going on her spin from laughter as I had let out an "ooh and ahh" as I was falling.
b)I also now realize the importance of wearing hair down during this class as tonight I did multiple "hair flips" with only bangs down...A few times I had dudded my first flip and had to give it another go only to have further 'critched' my neck. It's really not sexy to be in your back arch position supposed to be running your hands through your hair only to be 'simulating' it with a claw like hand...How are you supposed to run your hands through your hair when it's up?.. So next week I will do something that I haven't done in a while - let loose and wear my hair down!
Fitness Log:
Today: Pole Dancing
Tomorrow: Yoga
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
A Whole New World - Kettlebells
Kettlebell exercising is a whole new exciting world for me. To think you can get a cardio workout by swinging around a weight is awesome. What a nice change from pounding the pavement or doing aerobic 'like' workouts. I attended a kettlebell skills clinic last night and was pleased with the amount of information and instruction that the instructor gave us about kettlebells and their uses in a workout. The clinic - which was approx 1hour consisted of:
- background on kettlebells
- demo and trying of exercises that would be done in a workout
- laughs
- sweating
- questions/answers
It was a nice introduction into this world. In my opinion, this is something that a lot of fitness studios miss out on. In other studios, most of this information is given to you on class 1 after you've signed up and paid the registration fee. I was pleased that myself and 15 others could "give it a go" without any commitment (did I mention the clinic was free..).
I see myself starting a relationship with an 18 pound kettlebell in the near future. I loved challenging myself with a reasonable weight (don't usually use weight) and focusing on the techniques. I envision using kettlebells in a circuit workout (that I could do on my own), CrossFit, with my synchro athletes (great for upper body, core, cardio), in the gym at work, and the list goes on.
I would recommend this class to anyone who is looking for a change in their current fitness regimine, people who would like to add variety to their current exercise program (we have multiple kettlebells at work that I wasn't sure what to do with...) or want a low impact/challenging cardio workout. I appreciated the instructor's honesty: 2 people (in her experience) have dropped kettlebells during a workout, wrist bands help when your learning to 'rack' the kettlebell (could get a bruise on wrist), doing your workout in bare feet is recommended and also her attentiveness to the participants. I'm used to doing my own thing and learning by trial and error and is a nice change from improv to improve.
I think I'll start making kettlebell a part of my fitness journey. I'll let you know how it goes and I'm sure we'll have a respectable relationship together. Stephanie + Kettlebell = TLA <3
Fitness Log:
Yesterday: 1 hour kettlebell skills clinic
Today: coaching 1.5hours
Tomorrow: Yoga and Pole Dancing
- background on kettlebells
- demo and trying of exercises that would be done in a workout
- laughs
- sweating
- questions/answers
It was a nice introduction into this world. In my opinion, this is something that a lot of fitness studios miss out on. In other studios, most of this information is given to you on class 1 after you've signed up and paid the registration fee. I was pleased that myself and 15 others could "give it a go" without any commitment (did I mention the clinic was free..).
I see myself starting a relationship with an 18 pound kettlebell in the near future. I loved challenging myself with a reasonable weight (don't usually use weight) and focusing on the techniques. I envision using kettlebells in a circuit workout (that I could do on my own), CrossFit, with my synchro athletes (great for upper body, core, cardio), in the gym at work, and the list goes on.
I would recommend this class to anyone who is looking for a change in their current fitness regimine, people who would like to add variety to their current exercise program (we have multiple kettlebells at work that I wasn't sure what to do with...) or want a low impact/challenging cardio workout. I appreciated the instructor's honesty: 2 people (in her experience) have dropped kettlebells during a workout, wrist bands help when your learning to 'rack' the kettlebell (could get a bruise on wrist), doing your workout in bare feet is recommended and also her attentiveness to the participants. I'm used to doing my own thing and learning by trial and error and is a nice change from improv to improve.
I think I'll start making kettlebell a part of my fitness journey. I'll let you know how it goes and I'm sure we'll have a respectable relationship together. Stephanie + Kettlebell = TLA <3
Fitness Log:
Yesterday: 1 hour kettlebell skills clinic
Today: coaching 1.5hours
Tomorrow: Yoga and Pole Dancing
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Getting in the Zone
Getting in the "Zone" means a variety of things to me. Whether it's inspired eating by Dr. Sear's Zone Diet to being so focused on coaching that I ignore everything and everyone around me (shout out to Lisa and Mags) it's definitely a 'state of mind'.
Last year, Mike and I bought the Zone Diet books by Dr. Sears. A series of informative books from recipes, philosphies and scientific jargon. As the Zone Diet is the first choice to many CrossFitters - it was the logical next step for Mike. For me, it was a necessary step. I'm not into diets - I hate the word 'diet' as it holds a negative connotation to me. As soon as I hear it I think deprivation. So let's call the Zone a choice. I chose to read and consider the philosophies of Dr. Sears and I must say - he's onto something. The concept of keeping your blood sugars stable is priceless. I've always had a problem where I'd get really weak, shaky around meal time - hungry some might call it, hypoglycemic is my word choice. Not thinking of WHAT I was eating didn't help these 'episodes'. Mike and I now choose to try to use the Doc's tips as we prepare meals at home. Our nightly supper consists of salad (either garden or spinach), vegetables (zuchinni, asparagus, broccoli/cauliflower) and lean protien (chicken, fish or pork). We also choose not to buy sugary/salty snacks (our snacks consist of protein bars, grapes, yogurt, etc) and try to limit our bread intake and pasta. I notice a big difference in my energy levels from eating like this. It's amazing what a few vegetables can do for you:) In saying this - I don't deprive myself of the foods I love: yes - I eat chips at work, yes - I'll have a pop at work, OK - I'll even have a chocolate bar as well and that's ok to me. It's better than how I was eating before this year. Living on my own - spaghetti, nachos, chips, pop, fast food were the 5 food groups for me.
After a year of trying parts of the Zone - my advice is this - eat to provide fuel for your body, eat a variety of foods and stop when you're full. Open your mind to the possibility of change. Try to make concious food choices and not emotional ones. Logical, yes. Easy, no.
Fitness Log:
Tonight: Kettlebell Skills Clinic - 1st time:)
Last year, Mike and I bought the Zone Diet books by Dr. Sears. A series of informative books from recipes, philosphies and scientific jargon. As the Zone Diet is the first choice to many CrossFitters - it was the logical next step for Mike. For me, it was a necessary step. I'm not into diets - I hate the word 'diet' as it holds a negative connotation to me. As soon as I hear it I think deprivation. So let's call the Zone a choice. I chose to read and consider the philosophies of Dr. Sears and I must say - he's onto something. The concept of keeping your blood sugars stable is priceless. I've always had a problem where I'd get really weak, shaky around meal time - hungry some might call it, hypoglycemic is my word choice. Not thinking of WHAT I was eating didn't help these 'episodes'. Mike and I now choose to try to use the Doc's tips as we prepare meals at home. Our nightly supper consists of salad (either garden or spinach), vegetables (zuchinni, asparagus, broccoli/cauliflower) and lean protien (chicken, fish or pork). We also choose not to buy sugary/salty snacks (our snacks consist of protein bars, grapes, yogurt, etc) and try to limit our bread intake and pasta. I notice a big difference in my energy levels from eating like this. It's amazing what a few vegetables can do for you:) In saying this - I don't deprive myself of the foods I love: yes - I eat chips at work, yes - I'll have a pop at work, OK - I'll even have a chocolate bar as well and that's ok to me. It's better than how I was eating before this year. Living on my own - spaghetti, nachos, chips, pop, fast food were the 5 food groups for me.
After a year of trying parts of the Zone - my advice is this - eat to provide fuel for your body, eat a variety of foods and stop when you're full. Open your mind to the possibility of change. Try to make concious food choices and not emotional ones. Logical, yes. Easy, no.
Fitness Log:
Tonight: Kettlebell Skills Clinic - 1st time:)
Saturday, March 20, 2010
Blame it on the Rain
Today has been a challenge - blame it on the barometric pressure, rain (that started shortly before midnight), sitting for the past 5 days at work, pidgeon pose at yoga....I not sure. What I do know for sure is that my joints and muscles are aching! It's days like these that get me thinking how important it is to get moving and keep moving and not be discouraged when things don't go 'my' way. I know we all feel the body pains now and then but when you're dealing with it you feel alone. I'm a chronic complainer when it comes to my aches and pains -constant 'oohs' and 'owws' and 'I'm so sore" come out of me like it's my job. When I'm feeling like this I feel like just curling up in a ball and "coming to" when it's all over. I know - dramatic!
I could blame it on all the above reasons but it doesn't change anything. The only thing that helps is to keep moving. Whether it's Shaun T's bootie shaking or breathing through the tightness at yoga - I don't care - I just need to do something! I'm pretty sure that the sitting in a chair for 12hours a shift is taking it's toll on my hips though. Note to self: get up and stretch at work.
To everyone who is feeling my pain - let's hope for a better tomorrow! Oh, and maybe a magic bag and donut to sit on at work...:)
I'm just glad I'm not Milli or Vanilli and I can actually blame it on the rain and not that I have no talent....http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NwrL9MV6jSk
Fitness Log:
1hour Mall walking with Jaden
15mins stretching
I could blame it on all the above reasons but it doesn't change anything. The only thing that helps is to keep moving. Whether it's Shaun T's bootie shaking or breathing through the tightness at yoga - I don't care - I just need to do something! I'm pretty sure that the sitting in a chair for 12hours a shift is taking it's toll on my hips though. Note to self: get up and stretch at work.
To everyone who is feeling my pain - let's hope for a better tomorrow! Oh, and maybe a magic bag and donut to sit on at work...:)
I'm just glad I'm not Milli or Vanilli and I can actually blame it on the rain and not that I have no talent....http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NwrL9MV6jSk
Fitness Log:
1hour Mall walking with Jaden
15mins stretching
Friday, March 19, 2010
Tilt, Tuck and Tighten
Thanks to my Aunt, I had the priviledge of getting a burnt copy of Hip Hop Abs featuring Shaun T. This fitness DVD is not for the faint at heart - as Shaun T says it's all about the "Tilt, Tuck and Tighten". I did this video a few times on my own in the comfort of my living room and I must say - it's good for a laugh. I spent most of the workout staring at Shaun wondering if he was gay. I know - I shouldn't be focused on something so unimportant but he's so muscular and such a smooth mover....It's just when he talks you think he should be "Z" snapping and saying "ya girl, that's right, you got it"!
Take a look at Shaun T on the Ellen Show and you'll see what I mean:) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XGb2MCWIB7o
After watching this clip - I'm convinced that Shaun T is the only one that looks good doing these moves. I was hoping (after doing this video) that I would work up a sweat while improving my "bootie pop". I'm pretty sure the only thing I did was realize that I'm not destined to be a backup dancer (as I've always dreamed of being).
This video is a whole lot of fun and I would recommend doing it with friends as it would be a hoot doing the "Get Busy" combination or the "Pump 'N' Clap" and is sure to get the party started. Really, whoever said that exercise isn't fun surely didn't know Shaun T or the "Dust and Wave" exercise set.
So, in honor of the "See it, Try it" theme of this blog - I saw it, tried it and liked it uh huh - haaaay!
Check out another Shaun T Clip - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5JwLGWApvCk&NR=1

Take a look at Shaun T on the Ellen Show and you'll see what I mean:) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XGb2MCWIB7o
After watching this clip - I'm convinced that Shaun T is the only one that looks good doing these moves. I was hoping (after doing this video) that I would work up a sweat while improving my "bootie pop". I'm pretty sure the only thing I did was realize that I'm not destined to be a backup dancer (as I've always dreamed of being).
This video is a whole lot of fun and I would recommend doing it with friends as it would be a hoot doing the "Get Busy" combination or the "Pump 'N' Clap" and is sure to get the party started. Really, whoever said that exercise isn't fun surely didn't know Shaun T or the "Dust and Wave" exercise set.
So, in honor of the "See it, Try it" theme of this blog - I saw it, tried it and liked it uh huh - haaaay!
Check out another Shaun T Clip - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5JwLGWApvCk&NR=1

Fitness Log:
Today: 1 hour Yoga
Thursday, March 18, 2010
Reaching Your Peak Performance
Just this past week I was in Quebec City for the Eastern/Atlantic Divisional Synchro Championships. It was here where I finally realized the importance of exercise/cross training. Looking at my athletes this season I see confident, fit, energetic young woman that have one thing in common - a passion for Synchronized Swimming. These girls train hard for 10months of the year. A long training season with a lot of sacrafice. We're constantly trying to perfect our techniques and become more graceful in the water. Last year as Mike and I were having a conversation about my athletes he made a statement that is now hitting home to me. He said - "these girls need to get in the water with the strength/endurance to perform the skills so they can focus on perfecting the technique". Maybe a simple concept to some people however, I think it's been an issue with our sport for a long time. The athletes are in the water physically unable to do the skills we are asking and therefore are not able to reach their peak performance.
This past weekend a Quebec coach asked me - "What are you doing with your athletes? They are so good!" (insert french accent here). Not thinking she was REALLY asking me what we're doing (Quebec is the best in Canada at Synchronized Swimming) - I chuckled... After her asking again - I realized she really wanted to know! It was then it hit me - the thing that we are mostly doing different is focusing on our cross-training. This coach was dumbfounded that we are able to produce the athletes we have on 7-9hours pool time weekly while her athletes are swimming 30hours weekly. After watching my athletes compete in the top category and be comparable to others I realized that reaching our peak performance relates back to fundamental exercise not specific to synchronized swimming.
I can apply this concept to many other areas of my life - developing a foundation of health and well being can be applied to my performance at work, my relationships, coaching, mental health therefore reaching my peak 'life' performance. Without a clear head - I'm unable to focus on the tasks I have to perform at work, home or making time for myself. I've noticed in the past 2 years (as I've been focusing more on "healthier" living) I am much less stressed, less aches/pains, able to enjoy life and a very good partner to Mike. I still have a way to go but think I'm finally on the right track!
This past weekend a Quebec coach asked me - "What are you doing with your athletes? They are so good!" (insert french accent here). Not thinking she was REALLY asking me what we're doing (Quebec is the best in Canada at Synchronized Swimming) - I chuckled... After her asking again - I realized she really wanted to know! It was then it hit me - the thing that we are mostly doing different is focusing on our cross-training. This coach was dumbfounded that we are able to produce the athletes we have on 7-9hours pool time weekly while her athletes are swimming 30hours weekly. After watching my athletes compete in the top category and be comparable to others I realized that reaching our peak performance relates back to fundamental exercise not specific to synchronized swimming.
I can apply this concept to many other areas of my life - developing a foundation of health and well being can be applied to my performance at work, my relationships, coaching, mental health therefore reaching my peak 'life' performance. Without a clear head - I'm unable to focus on the tasks I have to perform at work, home or making time for myself. I've noticed in the past 2 years (as I've been focusing more on "healthier" living) I am much less stressed, less aches/pains, able to enjoy life and a very good partner to Mike. I still have a way to go but think I'm finally on the right track!
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
Learning to Run
This post is dedicated to Alaina - Thanks Alaina for getting after me and wondering what I've been up to. It's ironic as I started running because of you. After I heard that you had ran a marathon I thought - why can't I?
To me - running should come relatively natural to most people. As kids, running was part of our daily lives...really when you think of it - most kids would rather run somewhere than walk. So, when/where did we go wrong...? Aside from when I was a kid, I've never really liked running. I've always found it a struggle - to breathe, painful and certainly not enjoyable.
In 2009, I decided to take a "Learn to Run" class where I would meet 2 nights a week with a group of people (ranging in age, size) and go over the specifics of running. From concepts of long breaths in/short out - to heel toe running - it was a lot more complicated then a thought. I enjoyed the class but due to shift work was unable to go to all of them, therefore falling behind and losing the ambition to run.
Then in the fall of 2009 I decided to yet again try out running. With my fiance supporting my goal to run the 5k Run for the Cure - I started running outside. I started slow with 1min run, 1min walk for 20mins and built myself up to 18-20mins straight running. I quickly remembered why I disliked running - oh the pain.... I definitely had more bad then good days. I would throw "f" bombs left and right and at some points acted in such a dramatic manner that Mike thought I was seriously dying. See the problem with my running is that I had a difficult time pacing myself. I would come out fast from the gate and not be able to sustain my speed...
With the support of Mike and his friend Mike - I reached my goal of running the 5km Run for the Cure. Within a Mike sandwich - they went at my pace and didn't complain. (I did see Mike R. walking a couple of times beside me - haha) I did the run in 38mins without stopping (slow but respectable speed) and at the finish line was overwhelmed with emotion. From there I did the 5km race at the PEI marathon and thought I was the sh**. My sister and I walked away with participation medals and I couldn't be happier. I retired my running shoes for the winter but plan on torturing myself for another spring/summer.
Even though I hated the thought of going out running most days, I would (at the end of the torture) feel a sense of accomplishment. I loved the feeling of pushing myself through and I quickly was able to challenge my 'mental' limits. Learning to run has been a positive time in my life - Mike and I grew stronger together, Rebecca and I got to spend time together, I was able to burn off stress - all wins! I am somewhat looking forward to starting again. I would like to set my goal for this year's PEI Marathon 10km race. Let's hope the body holds up!
Fitness log:
March 11-14th - Quebec City - Synchro Comp. I personally think 8-12hours a day standing on a pool deck sweating perfusely should count for something.
March 15th - 1hour Yoga, 1 game of Wii bowling :)
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
Latin Dance
I tried latin dance classes 2 years ago at the Spa. This class consisted of an hour/week (8 week session - I believe reasonably priced) where the instructor would teach you basic moves to classic latin dances - merengue, salsa, cha-cha (etc) for approx 20mins of the hour. The other 40mins consisted of:
- practicing, practicing, practicing...I guess practice makes perfect...
- watching the gifted dancers - in high heels, I might add!
- Improv.. That's right - for the last 10-15mins, the instructor would turn on the music and instruct us to 'let our bodies feel the music'. I suppose this was to bring out our inner Latina or maybe just kill time - I'm still torn with this one...
My sister and I took this class together and as I would look forward to each week - her, not so much. Yes, I do have to say the 'hip gyrating' was a little much (especially since we had limited instruction and LOTS of practicing our own techniques) but I enjoyed the class atmosphere and that we didn't need a partner to dance with (I was single at the time) :)
The only problem with taking a latin dance class is that there is nowhere to practice your moves. I always craved a venue where people, on a weekend, could go and let loose, bootie shake and cha - cha - cha...
I'm going to chalk this class up as an experience. Can't say I'd do it again, can't say I won't but what I can say is that I love to dance and think it's a wonderful form of exercise. I may not look so great doing it - but I'm having a whole lot of fun:)
Fitness Log:
Today - 1 hour Moksha Yoga
- practicing, practicing, practicing...I guess practice makes perfect...
- watching the gifted dancers - in high heels, I might add!
- Improv.. That's right - for the last 10-15mins, the instructor would turn on the music and instruct us to 'let our bodies feel the music'. I suppose this was to bring out our inner Latina or maybe just kill time - I'm still torn with this one...
My sister and I took this class together and as I would look forward to each week - her, not so much. Yes, I do have to say the 'hip gyrating' was a little much (especially since we had limited instruction and LOTS of practicing our own techniques) but I enjoyed the class atmosphere and that we didn't need a partner to dance with (I was single at the time) :)
The only problem with taking a latin dance class is that there is nowhere to practice your moves. I always craved a venue where people, on a weekend, could go and let loose, bootie shake and cha - cha - cha...
I'm going to chalk this class up as an experience. Can't say I'd do it again, can't say I won't but what I can say is that I love to dance and think it's a wonderful form of exercise. I may not look so great doing it - but I'm having a whole lot of fun:)
Fitness Log:
Today - 1 hour Moksha Yoga
Monday, March 8, 2010
On a serious note: My best friend lost her father to cancer yesterday. A battle that he had been fighting for a long time. It amazes me the resilience and determination this man had. Just when many people would count him out - he would bounce back and look as young and vibrant as ever. Cancer is such a frustrating disease - I pray that everyone who is dealing with this finds strength within themselves to keep fighting and families find courage to have hope.
UFit is one of my favorite forms of exercise. The large class sizes, high energy, great music, enthusiastic instructors and $5 drop in fee - makes a perfect combination for me. UFit is challenging (high impact cardio, station work) but rewarding. The very first few times I went it took everything inside me NOT to smile the whole time - I never knew that exercise could be so fun!
Last Friday - March 5th - the Synchro girls, coaches and Mike went to UFIT as our pool time/gym program was cancelled. What a great experience for all of these girls as I could hear many giggles behind me (I told myself they were looking at someone else...haha), lots of sweating and smiles. We all had so much fun and we were....exercising....imagine! Many of the girls now want to make it a weekly routine to go.
When Mike and I first got together I would complain severely every time we would go to the gym - my muscles were sore, I was getting sick, I didn't have the 'right' clothing, and the complaints went on.. Now I look at exercise as something that helps me and that I WANT to do.
UFIT is designed so that any age, size, fitness level can do it. The hardest part about it is to get yourself to go that first time - after that I guarantee it will be something that you start to crave - for lots of reasons.
Fitness log:
Yesterday - nothing.....
UFit is one of my favorite forms of exercise. The large class sizes, high energy, great music, enthusiastic instructors and $5 drop in fee - makes a perfect combination for me. UFit is challenging (high impact cardio, station work) but rewarding. The very first few times I went it took everything inside me NOT to smile the whole time - I never knew that exercise could be so fun!
Last Friday - March 5th - the Synchro girls, coaches and Mike went to UFIT as our pool time/gym program was cancelled. What a great experience for all of these girls as I could hear many giggles behind me (I told myself they were looking at someone else...haha), lots of sweating and smiles. We all had so much fun and we were....exercising....imagine! Many of the girls now want to make it a weekly routine to go.
When Mike and I first got together I would complain severely every time we would go to the gym - my muscles were sore, I was getting sick, I didn't have the 'right' clothing, and the complaints went on.. Now I look at exercise as something that helps me and that I WANT to do.
UFIT is designed so that any age, size, fitness level can do it. The hardest part about it is to get yourself to go that first time - after that I guarantee it will be something that you start to crave - for lots of reasons.
Fitness log:
Yesterday - nothing.....
Sunday, March 7, 2010
Moksha Yoga
I've recently started Moksha Yoga at the old Scotia Bank on St. Peter's Road. Mike and I are both looking to increase our flexibility and learn how to 'relax' our minds/bodies. What a great experience it is to focus solely on your breath and quiet the mind. Throughout our first session my thoughts (which I really wasn't 'supposed' to have any) were consumed with how much I liked the feeling of stretching. After sitting for 48hours a week at work, it's so nice to not feel AS tight.
Moksha - which can be translated to "freedom" is designed to (from my understanding after 3 classes) allow for change as the 'student' progresses. I never realized that starting Yoga I would be a student again. From 'massaging inner organs' to bringing hands to 'heart center' - I must say I'm learning a lot about my body. My left butt is tighter than my right > My right hip flexor is tighter than my left - who knew?!
The classes start out lying on the floor, feet spread apart, and palms facing the ceiling focusing on breath and 'letting go' of your insecurities, daily events, etc while tuning into breath. This is certainly my favorite pose as I'm sure one of these days I'll fall asleep from being so 'in tune' with myself - haha. The instructor is really great at what she does, she talks you through every pose and gears each class so that a beginner can start at any time or a seasoned student can walk in and feel challenged.
You can virtually do Yoga anywhere but I would recommend attending these classes on St Peter's Road. So far, the classes are small and done in a warm room (she'll be starting Hot Yoga soon) and it's just nice to get out of your environment for an hour and focus on Yourself:)
As we say at the end of each class - "Good practice and Namaste"
Fitness Log:
March 5th:
45 mins Yoga
1hour UFIT
March 6th:
4 frames of bowling - Does this count? ;)
Moksha - which can be translated to "freedom" is designed to (from my understanding after 3 classes) allow for change as the 'student' progresses. I never realized that starting Yoga I would be a student again. From 'massaging inner organs' to bringing hands to 'heart center' - I must say I'm learning a lot about my body. My left butt is tighter than my right > My right hip flexor is tighter than my left - who knew?!
The classes start out lying on the floor, feet spread apart, and palms facing the ceiling focusing on breath and 'letting go' of your insecurities, daily events, etc while tuning into breath. This is certainly my favorite pose as I'm sure one of these days I'll fall asleep from being so 'in tune' with myself - haha. The instructor is really great at what she does, she talks you through every pose and gears each class so that a beginner can start at any time or a seasoned student can walk in and feel challenged.
You can virtually do Yoga anywhere but I would recommend attending these classes on St Peter's Road. So far, the classes are small and done in a warm room (she'll be starting Hot Yoga soon) and it's just nice to get out of your environment for an hour and focus on Yourself:)
As we say at the end of each class - "Good practice and Namaste"
Fitness Log:
March 5th:
45 mins Yoga
1hour UFIT
March 6th:
4 frames of bowling - Does this count? ;)
Friday, March 5, 2010
Fitness Pole Dancing
Last night I tried my first Fitness Pole Dancing Class. I decided to try this after I couldn't find another class (that I was interested in) to fit into my hectic schedule. I thought - let's give it a whirl (pun intended) for a laugh and for something different. I also thought that maybe it would help me get out of my comfort zone and not be AS shy....
At the start of the class (which my sister and I are the only students) the instructor informed us that everything in the class is done slow and sensual. From the warm up to the mat work everything is deliberate and supposedly 'sexy'. We walked around the room doing a sexy walk, got down on the mat and channeled our inner goddess, did some twirls on the pole and by the end of the class I realized the following things:
- I don't move as smooth as I thought;
- I am not as flexible as I thought - yes, we did splits:)
- I enjoy being around my sister but really can't watch her 'travel' her hands down her body while moving her hips....
By the end of the hour, I felt empowered and excited to see what this 8 week journey will bring. My sister and I both really enjoyed it and I would recommend this class to all women (all fitness levels, age, size). I first was trying to get my head around thinking that when I was looking in the mirror I was dancing FOR someone. How liberating was it when I realized I was dancing/moving/hip rolling for MYSELF! What a new concept to me to try to see myself as sexy and sensual. I started loosing up a bit and feeling alive :)
This class does challenge the body - upper body strength, core strength and flexibility are what I can mostly see from class 1 are it's targets. There are 8+ levels which steadily increase in difficulty. You will break a sweat at this class and it's done in a private room so that you, instructor and classmates are the only ones seeing the lovely display of femininity.
Log of fitness hours:
Yesterday - 1 hour of pole dancing
Today - Moksha Yoga and UFIT
Thursday, March 4, 2010
See It, Try It Begins
I am not a writer - ironically, I've never kept a diary as I would fear that someone would find it and God forbid - read it! I've wanted to start a blog for a long time but never felt I had something interesting to write about. After lots of pondering, procrastinating and dreaming...I came up with this idea....
Drum roll please........
Blog about my many experiences of trying new forms of exercise. I am a yo-yo exerciser...On the wagon, then off the wagon.. I've tried everything from "hip hop abs" to latin dance class, Learn to run class, CrossFit, UFIT, and the list goes on.. I've come to the realization that I just like to be in a class - I really like anything that involves other people and trying to motivate others by offering out - Good Job! Keep it Up! Let's Go! You're a machine!
The purpose of this is to finally hold myself accountable to myself. Stay on the wagon and live a life that puts health and well being first. Inform others of what the trendy exercises are like - from TRX to P90X, Wii Fit, Bas Rutten All Around Workout, Pilates, Yoga - I've tried them all. Help myself log the hours of fitness I've done. Have a laugh at the end of the day and get my bod ready for my wedding (did I mention that my fiance is a fitness freak...), have restful sleep and look alive.
So I ask anyone who reads this to say a little prayer for me that I don't kill myself and maybe join in the challenge:)
My Goal is to - See It, Try It and Stick With It!
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