I was enlightened today on the
ways of the world from an 8 year old's perspective. A very special little girl who is wise beyond her years. She's kind, caring, sensitive, compassionate, and beautiful. She's my god daughter - Jaden.
On Being the Oldest Child
Jaden - "You know Steph, I've always wanted an older brother or sister"
Me - "Me too Jaden, it's hard being the oldest, isn't it?"
Jaden - "Yep, I just want to have someone to look up to as a role model. Ethan has me and I need someone so I can teach him what's right"
Me - "Lot's of responsibility being the oldest aren't there?"
Jaden "Yep, I like it though"
Me - "Me too..."
Jaden "I tell Ethan to not listen to people when he hears bad words"
Me "Well that's good"
Jaden "I'm trying to be the best big sister I can"
Me "You're doing a great job"
On What it Means to be Rich
Me - "Do you like school Jade?"
Jaden - "Yes but it's kind of boring"
Me - "What makes it boring?"
Jaden "We just do the same thing
over and
Me - "Sounds boring.."
Jaden "One girl in my class tells me that she has an email account and a DS but she doesn't, she must be lying, she's just saying that cause I have them"
Me - "She probably is envious and wants to be like you"
Jaden "Doesn't she know that everyone has different things and so I would like to have what she has, but I don't lie"
Me - "It's good to tell the truth"
Jaden "Some kids even say "I'm soooo rich, I have this and that but rich isn't just about money, is it?" "Being rich means you have people you love, and love you back and you have things you love, doesn't matter what they are, as long as you love them". "I tell them I'm rich too"
Me - "Sounds like you are rich, I feel rich too Jade"
Jaden "Do you have lots of money?"
Me - "No but I have lots of people and things I love"
Jaden "Well then you're rich"
Me - "I am"
On Friendships
Jaden "Some people are meant to be together and that's why they're friends" "If you're not friends with someone it's because you're not meant to be together - you and mom are meant to be together and me and Grace are too"
Me "I think you're right, good point"
Jaden "If someone is mean to you"
Me "Then you don't have to be friends"
Jaden "No, you should say "I think we should spend some time apart and then try to be friends again another time"
Me "Or you could do that I guess"
Jaden "You should give it a shot"
Me "I think so, if it makes you feel good"
Jaden "It makes me feel good to be nice to people"
Me "Then that's what you should do"
On Being Cool
Jaden "Some girls at my school think it's cool to be mean to other girls, you know, like not include them"
Me "I don't think that's cool at all Jade"
Jaden "Me neither - If they exclude someone then I'll play with that person. I think that's cooler"
Me "Me too... How do they know what's cool"
Jaden "Yeah, who makes the
cool rules anyways?"
Me "I don't think there is cool rules"
Jaden "Well then I guess we all have different thoughts on what's cool"
Me "Guess so.."