* You are out running and realize you're wearing spanks shorts instead of your Nike spandex shorts...
* You set your coffee on the roof of your car... and then drive off...
* You are talking to someone about how 'annoying' another person is and realize it's their sister..
* You say "thank you sir" and then are corrected as the sir is a "ma'am"...
* You feed the parking meter beside your car by mistake, run out of change for your meter and then get a parking ticket...
* You lock yourself out of your house without shoes on....
* You 'reply to all' expressing an opinion that was meant for one person and not 'all'....
* You pick up a sweater off the pile of discards on the floor and realize (once at work) that it's the sweater that had the spaghetti dinner fail on the front...
* You hit the tip $ amount option and instead of putting in $2 you put in $20... You're welcome.
* You purchase dried fruit - thinking it's a healthy option for a refined sugar free diet - and after eating a 1/2 bag realize it's full of the 'enemy'....
* You make an impulsive decision of getting your hair cut and colored thinking it will 'freshen your look' but instead you look like a contender for US weekly's "Worst looks of 2003"...
Yes - I've done it all. Don't take yourself too seriously - Life's too short!

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