Thursday, August 4, 2011

Coaching as a Passion

I remember the day where I realized that coaching  for me was a passion.  After 15 years of planning my life around my sport - I asked myself, "Why am I doing this?"..... 
I didn't get paid well, in fact - I spent more money then I made on it.  I didn't have any 'free' or vacation time.  I frankly put the sport 1st before anything else in my life.  I had to be crazy!!  This is when I realized - PASSION - was driving me forward. 
I've learned when you're passionate about something it doesn't feel like work.  It brings a smile to your face, energy when you didn't think you had anymore to give, time when you didn't think you had any left.  I'm sure everyone feels like this with some aspect of your life.  (If you don't, it's worth it to find what your Passion is). I was glad to finally answer my own, as well as, the question of many people involved in my life.  Friends would say, in response to me having to turn down a night out, "Oh that sucks", where I thought "Not really..." 
My favorite thing about coaching is to see an athlete achieve something that they had convinced themselves they couldn't do.  To believe that 'anything's possible'.  My job as a coach got very challenging when my athletes started to believe in themselves.  I had to come 'on'.  I had to work harder than before.  I had to expect more from myself as the athletes expected a lot from themselves.  I'll never forgot conversations I had with athletes 3 seasons ago when they said that they believed they were just as good as everyone else. Where one athlete said "I can't see any reason why we aren't as good as them" AND "Just because we're small doesn't mean we can't"... THIS is why I coach.  THIS fuels my passion. 
As I've spent all summer preparing for the next season, I have had lots of time to think about my committment level and involvement and the passion I hold for the sport.  I've even have had some time to review my mistakes - yes, I've made many.  I still feel as passionate about the sport as I did when I first started coaching.  Coaching always felt "right" to me.
Coaching is, however, humbling.  Athletes will tell you at any whipstitch that they don't like what you've created or that they're not happy with their practice.  As a coach you need to check your ego at the door before every practice. This has made me a stronger person.

I'm holding a planning session with the upcoming's season coaches in a couple of weeks and would love to hear YOUR experience(s) with a special coach.  One that has left a lasting impression (positively) on YOU.  I'd love to share your stories with the coaches to reinforce our important role.

Please email me at to share your story and 'pay it forward' to the coach that holds a special place in your heart.

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